Tuesday, April 5, 2022

D is for Discipline/Delight/Discreet

D is for Discipline/Delight/Discreet

D is for Discipline

At 63, I think I finally have more discipline that when I was younger. I set my alarm clock every day and hit the floor at 5:00 a.m. Before I go to work, I often do a load of laundry and at least part of my exercise for the day. I like lists so I make a list and I enjoy marking things off the list. I have to remember to not allow my love of structure (discipline) to interfere with spontaneous activities. I try to be disciplined in what we eat – we eat lots of fruit and vegetables and we eat lean protein. I’m very disciplined regarding sweets. I gave them up for Lent several years ago and I still don’t eat them. I have found that I feel so much better when I don’t eat sugar. I try to be disciplined regarding my exercise, too. I try to ride my recumbent bike every day for at least 30 minutes, and I try to walk at least 15 minutes on the treadmill. According to an article in Forbes, “studies show that people with self-discipline are happier. Why? Because with discipline and self-control we actually accomplish more of the goals we truly care about. Self-discipline is the bridge between goals defined and goals accomplished.” In what areas of your life do you feel you are more disciplined? Where do you struggle?

D is for Delight

I made this list weeks ago and I laughed just now when I typed “D is for Delight.” What in the world was I thinking back when I made this list? Back to Merriam Webster (online) we go -- Delight, according to Merriam-Webster is “a high degree of gratification or pleasure.” After talking about discipline regarding food choices, I must admit that I delight in our Thanksgiving meal every year. There is just something about dressing and gravy – those traditional Thanksgiving foods give me a high degree of pleasure hahaha! I delight in an amazing sunrise or sunset. I find great pleasure in my new hoodie. I love the way it feels when it is brand new. I delight in our granddaughters. I think that I delight in more simple things now that I’m 63. When you think of “delight” what pops into your head?

D is for Discreet

I know that everyone who is my age is not discreet, but D is for discreet in my own life. I have been one of the teachers for a large adult Sunday School class for almost 30 years and over the years, many confidences have been shared with me. If you tell me not to tell, I don’t tell. I am the assistant to the Senior Pastor in our church and once again, I’m often privy to people’s problems. When I was hired, the senior pastor at the time told me that odds are that I would know about a couple’s divorce before the general public. What he said has proven to be true many times over the years. Sometimes people just want to share their burdens. I know how to be discreet. In our family, we actually have some running jokes about those with whom we shouldn’t share our secrets. How about you? Are you discreet? (I must admit that I googled gifs about gossip and this one is too good to not share)




  1. I sure agree about having self-discipline! Even amid workplace stress, when I'd adhere to a daily routine, I felt more centered. Yep on doing laundry in the cooler, early AM hours. Living for so long in Phoenix, I tried every which way to keep the electric bill manageable.
    Discretion is a gift!

    1. I so agree - a daily routine helps me so much.

  2. I'm discreet as well. Sometimes it is hard to be the person everyone tells things to, because occasionally, it almost makes you want to pop!

    1. You are correct - sometimes I feel like I might pop and sometimes the things I know (and can't tell) are so heavy!
