1. Tell us about a time you felt like you were 'flying by the seat of your pants'.
Several years ago, my predecessor was very sick. Our senior minister (at the time) came to me and asked if I would be interested in filling in/taking her place because he felt like she was going to be too sick to work for quite a while (we NEVER dreamed she was going to die!!). I had to pray about the decision and after I said yes, she was able to train me for a total of about 6 hours. She was on full oxygen and I can still see us sitting at her desk. She went back into the hospital and passed away. We were all devastated and still miss her to this day! Mary had the institutional memory for all of us. She remembered things that no one else could remember. She knew who did everything and what all needed to be done. For the first year (and sometimes still!!), I feel like I'm flying by the seat of my pants. I borrowed this picture of Mary with her husband and two of her grandchildren (thanks Wendy - got it from your facebook page!!) This must have been before she got sick!
2. When or where would you most like to be 'a fly on the wall'?
So many times!! Just the other day I said that I would love to be a fly on the wall. Most of my situations are situations that I can't type about because I would never want to hurt anyone's feelings.
3. 'Happiness is like a butterfly: the more you chase it, the more it will elude you, but if you turn your attention to other things, it will come and sit softly on your shoulder.'-Henry David Thoreau
Would you agree? Why or why not?
I have mixed feelings about that quote. I think we can "choose" to have joy in our lives - joy is a part of the fruit of the spirit and it is readily available. I do know that just because we have joy, we aren't always "happy" by worldly standards. I think a perfect example would be when we become so fixated on one thing - we think if we have that one thing - we will be happy. If we turn our attention to other things, happiness is usually right around the corner.
4. Share a favorite movie, book, or song with flying in it's title, lyrics, or theme somewhere.
How about "I'll Fly Away" - an old church song - the kind you might want to clap with or stomp your feet!
5. What is one task or chore you tend to do 'on the fly'? Is this something that really needs to be done another way?
I know I have an answer somewhere in my head for this one . . .
6. What was happening the last time you thought to yourself or said aloud, 'Wow, time flies when you're having fun', and you meant it.
Vacation!! Time always flies when we are at the beach! Time also flew while I was in Israel. It was a long trip and I was worried about being homesick but we were on the go all day every day.
beach vacation - time flies |
riding the cable car
at Massada
7. This Thursday is National Garlic Day. Will you add garlic to your menu on Thursday? Do you like garlic? What's your favorite dish made with garlic?
I love using fresh garlic. I'm cooking beef tips in the crock pot and have fresh garlic cooking along with the meat. I had never used much fresh garlic until we started ordering some Blue Apron meals. Goodness gracious, it adds such wonderful flavor. Right now, my favorite would be to slice carrots into either matchstick pieces are small rounds and sauté with garlic in olive oil with salt and pepper. I like to cook them until the carrots are tender and begin to caramelize - yum yum!
8. Insert your own random thought here.
I'm so impressed with Joyce over at From This Side of the Pond and her ability to come up with these questions every week! Thank you!!!
Oh that beach scene...gives a little pang. I hope that Mary was able to pack a lot of instruction into that six hours. Some people truly are the lifeblood of an organization, but I am sure that you are equal to the task.
ReplyDeleteI know some extraordinary people like your Mary. What a great loss for everyone. I too would like to be a fly on the wall in situations that I don't dare write about. LOL I hope you have a good rest of your week.
ReplyDeleteI think many of us have had a Mary in our lives, and their loss is so keenly felt. Have you ever tried roasting a whole head of garlic on the grill? So good! it gets all melty and gooey and makes a wonderful spread over French bread. Have a happy Wednesday!
ReplyDeleteHow fun that we picked the same song! And I love your idea for cooking carrots with garlic. Need to try that!
ReplyDeleteI am impressed with Joyce, too. I don't think I could come up with these questions each week. I'm glad she does! I love, I'll Fly Away! We used to sing it all the time! Have a great rest of the week!
ReplyDeleteI said I'll Fly Away too. Love that song. It's so fun to sing.
ReplyDeleteThanks so much for the comments today! It sure does make it fun to blog when folks comment!!