I think the thing that has surprised me most is that it seems like it was just snowing (oh wait - it was snowing just a few weeks ago!!) and now we are in full spring mode. Last weekend during Discovery, it was 79 degrees one of the days and my face showed it. I've never been sunburned in February before. (it actually felt great to feel that sun beating down on my upturned face!!)
All of that brings me to this post. On Tuesday night (March 1), I was waiting on everyone to get here for the Mere Christianity study and I grabbed my camera and walked out into the back yard. First, I encountered the jonquils. They are such happy flowers. They always make me smile. They signal that winter is ending and spring is coming.
I walked over to the bird feeder and underneath there is lots of green growth. I can't wait for the day lily plants to bloom. They make me happy, too!!
On the property line between our house and the next door neighbor's house (the one that has the turkey call like mark - you can read about this in a previous post - which I have no idea how to link . . . anyone??) is a Bradford pear tree in full bloom. It looks beautiful. They are blooming all over town and sometimes when I'm driving home and come over a hill, the sight of several blooming together will actually take my breath away. Thank you God for creating such beauty!
Imagine my surprise when I was walking back to my deck and spotted this - oh my goodness - some of our azaleas are blooming.
Now you have to understand that this is one of my worst allergy seasons. The oak trees are doing their "thang" right now and I can't spend much time outdoors. I'm supposed to be inside and as pollen free as possible - no open windows or doors. If it is hot, I have to run the air conditioner . . .so it was a treat to walk around for just a moment and snap some pictures (and no, I DID NOT wear my ugly mask . .. though I probably should have!)

Last but not least, look who greeted me after my walk . . .snugs on his throne. I'm sure he was watching me . . .wondering . . .what is she doing? To be honest, he probably heard me muttering, "it's only march 1" . . ."I can't believe how beautiful" . . .and other crazy comments. He is used to my craziness. Doesn't he look majestic?
Last but not least, look who greeted me after my walk . . .snugs on his throne. I'm sure he was watching me . . .wondering . . .what is she doing? To be honest, he probably heard me muttering, "it's only march 1" . . ."I can't believe how beautiful" . . .and other crazy comments. He is used to my craziness. Doesn't he look majestic?
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