This morning, I was lying (or is that laying? I cannot remember the rule on lie and lay and I need to find that information soon!!) in the bed . . ."thinking" . . . actually dozing . . ..because it is Friday and my day off! I was thinking about all of the "firsts" in our lives. We take our "first" steps, we get our "first" haircut, we attend a million (not really - you know I exaggerate) "first" days of school or class. We have a "first" date and a "first" kiss (that was Mike Parker under a sprig of mistletoe in the church hallway!! and I thought I had died and gone to heaven - he was an "older" guy in the church youth group).
This last weekend, I experienced a new "first" . . you can start laughing now. This was my "first" pedicure with my TWO daughters. Laura and I have been together before but Lauren was in town and so we had a "first." I embarrassed them with my camera but heck, who cares? Some day I'm going to be an old woman (no, I am not there yet!!!!) and I can look back and remember this "first." By the way, it was a good day . . a really good day.

and didn't I pick a pretty color? (which was not a first by the way. I have a tendency to pick the same colors over and over!!)
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