Monday, May 20, 2024

Weekend in Review ON MONDAY! YAY!

Since I work on Sundays, my weekend is sort of Friday and Saturday. When I leave work on Thursday evening, I am thinking of all I need to accomplish. Mark was at the farm so I read, and watched some old TV, and ordered groceries to be delivered on Friday morning.

I have two preferred shoppers and they both do a great job. I love using Shipt/Target delivery. There is no mark-up on items from Target and I trust my shoppers.

I buy a lot of groceries every week because in addition to our own food at home, I usually help my sister-in-laws with Sunday lunch (I didn't help this week), and we cook for the Young Adults on Tuesday night.

Groceries arrived early Friday morning and I put them away and did laundry and rode my bike and emailed my potential professor.

Mark came home around lunchtime and he worked on our screens. The neighbor's cat tore a hole in the screen and Mark decided to replace all of the screens with a better aluminum screen.

I dragged a few more tubs out of the attic and cleaned the outside of the tub and sorted out the inside. I'm going to be honest. I do not know if this is a project I will ever finish. I thought about having the whole floor done while the house was torn up . . .but I didn't . . .and I wish I had.

I'm enjoying cutting letters with the silhouette. Now if I could just get Mark to put the tubs in Holiday order.

Our son called around lunchtime on Saturday and wanted to know if our pool is open because granddaughter #1 wanted to go to a pool to swim.

She and our daughter-in-law came over and I went with them for about 30 minutes. They stayed longer but this "old lady skin" was burning!

She had fun and I loved watching her and my daugher-in-law and I had some nice conversation time.

Saturday night was our annual Neighborhood Supper Club. I've told y'all about the monthly gatherings where we are assigned to random homes and eat together. The May gathering is at our townhall and a committee (those who haven't hosted in their homes) orders and pays for the meat, buns, tea, and water. Everyone else signs up for appetizers, specific sides, and desserts.

I made the Asian Slaw on the left of the plate. I had some baked beans and BBQ (no bun), a tiny bite of mac and cheese (in the middle) and a scoop of potato salad. The theme was Western - as in jeans and bandanas. I wore a denim skort which was as "western" as I had!

The town hall is lovely.

The inside is lovely, too. The middle section is where we are in the photo below. To the right is a living room area and to the left are restrooms and a work out facility.

I thought I took more photos but only have these few. I thought the centerpieces were cute and simple - bandanas with mason jars and flowers.

It was about to rain so we drove my car even though it was only 3 blocks from our house. When we came home, the sun was setting and it was spectacular. I was literally standing in the alley behind my car when I took this photo. The sky had huge streaks of pink.

Sunday morning, I was at work by 7:00. It was Pentecost Sunday and everything was lovely. The flowers on the altar were amazing and looked like "flames." The Children's moment involved sparklers! Our Bishop is moving on after serving our area for 12 years and she preached. In between services, we consecrated our space. Pre-covid was started on a $14M building project - some of which was mold remediation plus new kid's Sunday School rooms and an additional worship space. The building was finished and ready to open and COVID COVID COVID - a worldwide pandemic happened. Finally, we were able to use the space again and all along, people kept paying off the debt. We are debt free now - hence, the consecration! We had cake on the lawn for the "birthday of the church/Pentecost" and also to celebrate that we are debt free which enables us to do SO MUCH ministry -- like feeding 500 families a week with our Food Share program (where Mark volunteers).

Since our Bishop was with us, she prayed over our buildings.

I've told y'all about my "boss" before - the senior pastor. Here is a photo of him at the Consecration.

I had a meeting at 3:00 at another UMC and then I went home and crashed. Mark and I both exercised and folded laundry and watched some TV!

What did you do this weekend?



  1. Whew! I didn't do anything compared to what you accomplished! The pool looks inviting! I enjoyed catching up with you here!! Have a blessed week ahead!

  2. Sounds like a good weekend. I love that your neighborhood does that. Is it organized by your HOA or is it just a group of people who want to participate? My husband hates that people don't seem to want to get to know their neighbors anymore. We do: we know about 4-6 immediate ones near us. But it would be cool to do something like that.

  3. I have heard that about getting up and walking before, but I never heard about the 100 steps. I am going to add that to my day. I sit way too much these days. Thank you for mentioning that!
