Monday, May 27, 2024

Review of the previous days . . .

The following is basically a photo dump. Welcome to a review of the previous days.
Beginning in August through the first half of May, I work our Welcome Desk on Wednesday nights. This past Wednesday night, I didn’t have to work and Mark was out of town. I used one of my Mother’s Day gift cards for a pedicure! It was much needed! My toes went from teal to pink!

Thursday night we met six friends from church at Casual Pint. We’ve enjoyed getting to know these folks! This group was our "out to eat" supper club group from our Sunday School class. It rotates a couple of times a year and we are placed with different folks. This time our group consisted of Mark and me (we've been in the class since it began in 1984) and three new couples. We knew one couple more than the other two couples so it has been fun to get to know the others.

I love this Wild Leap Strawberry Mango!!

I actually felt horrible on Friday. I have been fighting off either an allergy/asthma attack or a late spring cold. I took a nap before lunch!! I may have taken a nap after lunch, too. I studied a little and did laundry and a few other things around the house.

After lunch, I went with Mark to Simmons. I actually sat in the car with the air conditioner running.
He was buying fishing worms in a specific color! I usually go in and wander around the store because they have some cool merchandise, but like I said, I wasn't 100% on Friday.

We stopped at Winn Dixie to buy two pork butts …which were on sale …and they only had a few left and none big enough.

I finished the last new cushion. You can see I'm in the recliner sewing. Still not 100%.

Our bougainvillea is blooming!

Both of our older granddaughters had their last day of school on Thursday. Granddaughter #2 finished 4K and will go to Kindergarten in August! She was dressed for water day!

Granddaughter #1 finished second grade and will head to third grade in August!!

Last weekend was our 40th anniversary but we didn’t celebrate until this weekend!

Helen is a restaurant here in town and the Chef and his wife are a part of our church. They are also the owners. We had a reservation for dinner on Saturday night and we were excited to try a “new to us” restaurant. Thank goodness I was feeling better on Saturday. I wasn't 100% but I was much better.

Our experience didn’t disappoint!

We started with a charcuterie appetizer. I ate some of everything except the Blue Cheese. Mark said the Blue Cheese was amazing. Everything else was yummy!!



I ordered the chicken. I loved how it was cooked using some form of red chili oil.

Smoked Joyce Farms half chicken

Mark ordered the Day Boat Gulf Snapper a la Plancha. Helen and one other restaurant in Birmingham buy fish from an individual fisherman. He goes and catches the fish in the Gulf of Mexico and drives it to Birmingham and the two chefs cook the fish and it is served fresh. Mark is very picky when it comes to fish . . .because he loves to fish and eat fish . . .and he said it was EXCELLENT.
Just FYI - a la Plancha is a method of cooking using high temperature searing with a little bit of smoking. There was a chimichurri sauce on top.

Our entrees were delicious BUT THE VEGGIES . . . oh my goodness, they were true stars on their own. We had Lady Peas (fresh and as local as possible) topped with poolhouse slaw (sort of like a chow chow), pork jus, and garlic aioli. I'm a good cook but I've never made peas taste so good. Sides are served family style to share.

Our other side was just as delicious. It was Belle Meadow Farm Coal Roasted Cabbage. You might think to yourself, "Why is a high end restaurant serving cabbage?" Let me tell you! It was magnificient. It had Steen's Cane Syrup Glaze, Gremolata, and peanuts. I didn't see any peanuts but the menu said peanuts. You might think it would be sweet with that glaze. It did have a hint of sweet, but it wasn't overpowering. 

Mark ordered dessert, Strawberry Angel Crisp. It was made using Chilton County Strawberries (very local - a few counties away). He ate most of it even though he was very full. It was actually his least favorite part of the meal (if you were ranking).

Sunday found me where I am most Sunday mornings. I worked the Welcome Desk at church. I had on a navy dress and wore my cute red, white, and blue earrings made by A. Edge. She goes to our church, too, and I love her jewelry.

We went to my mother-in-law's house for Sunday lunch and then headed home. I studied a little and piddled around thinking that I would have ALL DAY Monday to do other things.

Monday morning around 5:00 a.m. a BIG thunderstorm came through and knocked out our power. It is 5:16 p.m. now and we still don't have power or internet. 

Mark prepares dinner for his mother and sitter on Monday night so since it was hot in our house, I decided to come along. We are going to eat left-overs from yesterday. Power trucks were arriving when we left home . . .so I'm hoping there will be power (air conditioner!) when we get home.


  1. Sucks about your power! We had a major storm last night (which seemed random because I didn't see it on the weather) but thankfully kept power on. That meals sounds and looks amazing! One of life's greatest pleasures is trying tasty food, in my opinion.

  2. It was fun to catch up. I like the pretty nail polish. :-)

  3. I hope your power came back on. I know I feel so helpless when there is no power. Love your earrings! Does your friend have a website for her jewelry? I would love to see it! Helen's looks and sounds like a great place to eat!! It all looks wonderful!!

    1. She does have a website --

  4. Happy 40th Anniversary! Wow, that's really an accomplishment these days!

    Hope you got your power (and ac!) back before too long. No Power makes me a little stir-crazy! I love bleu cheese! And cabbage (uncooked!) . And now I also want a hamburger!!!

    xoxo Bettye
