Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Juggle Juggle Juggle Hodgepodge

Thanks to Joyce for our weekly questions.

1. What are you currently juggling in your life? I'm typing this on Tuesday night and class starts tomorrow. I'll be juggling class alongside work and fun. Speaking of juggling, Mark used to juggle quite often.

2. How often do you buy new clothes? What was the last piece of clothing you purchased? I buy things as needed or when I get tired of wearing what I already own or sometimes I buy clothes for a special occasion or trip. I don't have a set "time" to buy clothes. Last week, I ordered some shorts online from Belk. I bought one pair last year and wished I had purchased more so I ordered three more pairs in various colors. (Crown and Ivy women's scalloped shorts). I had ordered a new dress from Talbots and ordered two sized. When I returned one of the dresses to the store, I bought some new shirts to go with the shorts.

3. What food festival would you most like to attend? If you need help here are links to some of the bigger and more popular food events around the world-

Ten Food Festivals Worth Traveling To Find

2024 Best Food And Drink Festivals And Events In The US

20 Popular Food Festivals Around The World In 2024 For Your Unconditional Love Of Food

Oh . . . Sydney, Dubai, and Prague all sound wonderful. I've always thought it would be fun to go to Germany for Octoberfest. Does that count as a food festival? There is also a food and wine event at Disneyworld that has always interested me. I'm not sure this would count as a food "festival" or not, but before Mark retired, he and the owner of his company attended a dinner for BBVA Compass (pre-PNC) and Manolo Sanchez was the host. The dinner was multiple (LOTS!) courses and each course was paired with a special wine and they told everyone about the course and the wine, etc. etc.

4. May is the 5th month of the year. Tell us something you remember about your 5th grade year. I remember quite a few things about my sixth grade year but I don't know if I remember a single thing about my 5th grade year.

5. What are your favorite five words right now? Positivity, Granddaughters, Fun (as in don't take the fun out of funeral), October trip!

6. Insert your own random thought here. I took this picture on the way to work this morning. I have at least three different routes I can drive to work and I usually check Waze before I leave and go the quickest. I pass this house quite often and the speed limit is VERY SLOW on the road in front of their house and no one was behind me this morning so I stopped, hit the button for the window to go down and snapped a quick photo. I think this is so cool and it is in their front yard! Art on a different level!!


  1. I've been to Food and Wine at Disney many times and it's usually pretty good. I can't stand that place anymore, from the horrific crowds, astronomical prices, and to the fact that Disney simply isn't what it used to be. But I would probably go for that festival again.

    1. We went to Disneyworld twice when our kids were 9 and 11. I really enjoyed both times and would love to go back with granddaughters at some point. Mark said he NEVER wanted to go back!

  2. I'm not fond of crowds, so would probably avoid those food festivals. That multi-course dinner and wine pairings sounds delightful. Yes, please!

    1. I know! I was jealous that Mark got to go and I didn't!!

  3. That is interesting yard art for sure. Did you ever participate in a weekly blog carnival about yard art? I think there used to be one. That was fun. That is interesting that 5th grade is a blank for you. Hope you have a peaceful Memorial Day weekend.

    1. I didn't participate in the yard art blogging! I imagine that would be fun! I've been trying to think all day . . .why can't I remember anything specific from that fifth grade year.

  4. I love that yard sculpture!! How fun! Another good Hodgepodge! I remember a few things from each year of school, including kindergarten. Lots of new things in my life at age 10 so that's probably why it is memorable for me. Happy weekend ahead!

    1. It is really bugging me that I can't remember anything from that year!! I need to look through some old pictures and maybe it would help me to remember.

  5. How many more semesters do you have in front of you? We are part of a wine club that meets once a month and does paired dinners. I love them! I've learned a lot and I'm mostly there for the food ha! I love the shorts! I forgot to mention my last clothing purchase in my answer...I bought some fun sneakers for summer. They're yellow and a little brighter than I thought but I kept them.

    1. Yellow sneakers sound fun!! I have this semester (began today) and then two more semesters (one class each time). I'm taking English 252 this semester which is American Lit 1865-present. I have one history and one speech class left after this semester.

  6. We happened to be at EPCOT during the Food and Wine Festival a few years ago and it was fun, although we only tried a few things. "dont take the fun out of funerals" hahaha I love it!!

  7. How fun..that photo at the end. Enjoyed your answers.
