Sunday, November 13, 2022

Swap Bot Sunday Stealing


Join us for Sunday Stealing! Answer the questions here or on your on blog and join us at Sunday Stealing!

Stolen from Swap Bot

-If you could witness any event from history, what would it be? We always ask an Ice Breaker question on Tuesday nights and every once in a while, I ask one where someone can't come up with an answer. I'm having that problem with this question! There are several moments that might be cool to "visit" -- like the end of WWII celebrations. I think it would be cool to peek in on my parents when they met and when they married. I don't really know much about that time.

-What do you think about conspiracy theories? I'm really tired of hearing about them. Sometimes my eyes roll back in my head so far I worry they won't come back. I'm not saying some might or might not be true . . .I'm tired of hearing about them.

-Do you like cartoons? Do you have /had a favorite one? I haven't watched many cartoons lately :-). I've always LOVED Pink Panther. I also remember watching Road Runner with my daddy.

-What did you most dislike in school times? I always loved school BUT I hated when another kid got sick in the classroom. That still makes me shudder.

-How do you think the end of the world will look like? I hope I'm not here to see it however it happens.

-What sounds are in your opinion relaxing? The sound of the sea? Traffic? Vacuum cleaner? Combine harvester on the field? Some kind of music? Birds singing? ... When we were still in our house, we used a fan at night for white noise. In the apartment, we use the fan PLUS a white noise app on my phone. I will say that the sound of the waves down on the Gulf Coast is also VERY relaxing to me. I feel like my cares are washed away.

-Which would you take: The well worn path or the road less travelled? I'm sure I've taken both in my 64 years.

-What was the last thing you read? I just finished reading West with Giraffes and I loved it! It is not my normal genre of books but my sister's bookclub was reading it and sometimes I read what she is reading.

-What is one thing that has stumped you so hard you won't ever forget it? Question number 1 of today's questions hahaha!

-What are you interested in that most people aren’t? I still enjoy learning about all sorts of things.

-What’s something you really resent paying for? I don't know that I resent it . . .but I can't seem to get out of the grocery story for under $300 lately.

-What did you think was cool when you were young but isn’t cool now? I liked long hair on guys back in the 70's but I don't like it now and it is evidently totally back in style. I also liked those "swishy" wind suits that were so in style (I was younger - like in my early 30's) . . .and now I'm horrified that I ever wore them.

-If you could choose a different time period and place to be born, when and where would it be? This semester, I've been studying the history of marriage, family, and sex and so far, there is no period in history that sounds better than where we are. Each period of history has had its issues. 

-Do you think cats have any regrets? Does this look like a cat with regrets? Look at that leg thrown over the side!

-What question do you hate answering? I've always hated people asking about my weight. I also hate answering questions from someone who is obviously not really interested in getting to know me -- they just think they are required to make small talk.


  1. Huh. While I picked the end of WWII, seeing my parents when they ere young could be interesting, although maybe a little Back To The Future weird.

  2. I loved the Pink Panther too (see my post).




  3. I recall watching Pink Panther, too. I had a hard time with some of these questions.

    1. Sometimes the answers to questions come easily to me and sometimes they don't!

  4. If I was playing, my answer to #1 would have been my parent's courtship and wedding. I'm sure they'd have enjoyed telling me stories, but sadly I never asked.

    1. I don't know if I ever asked either and I sure wish I had!!

  5. I enjoyed your answers! Wishing you blessings in the week ahead! xo
