Wednesday, May 11, 2022

Hodgepodging along!


Today is Wednesday so it must be time for a Hodgepodge! You can copy and paste the questions into your own blog, answer, and then join us with Joyce, who graciously provides the questions each week
- OR -
you can answer the questions in the comments below.

1. What do you never get tired of? baby giggles and children laughing . . .actually, I never get tired of laughing either!

2. My mother made the best homemade vegetable soup. Of course, I have a story! I was probably in junior high and I came home and my mom's pressure cooker had exploded WHILE she was making vegetable beef soup. Just let me say that there were bits and pieces of things ON THE CEILING! No major damage was done that I recall.

3. What machine or appliance in your home aggravates you the most? Why? I tend to be really tough on washing machines. Our washer makes a few odd noises! It is NOT old. I try not to overload it.

4. What are three things that brighten up your day when they happen? 1. Sunshine! 2. A sincere compliment from someone (this also embarrasses me) 3. The feeling that I've accomplished something

I know you just asked for 3 but also good times with family and friends have to be included!!

5. Thursday (May 12) is National Limerick Day...write a limerick about relating to spring weather, spring blooms, or a spring event (five lines, the first two lines rhyme with the fifth line, the third and fourth lines rhyme together)

I googled spring limericks – I just don’t have it in me! I’m giving credit where credit is due. It was written by Reason A. Poteet and the title is Spring Chicken. Our son has chickens and our daughter’s school has chickens so this made me think of them. (disclaimer regarding my google search – the limerick right below this one was a tad off color 😊)

Poem Details | by Reason A. Poteet |
Categories: humor, spring,

Spring Chicken


There was a spring chicken named Brewster.

He was the school’s number one booster,

      but this spring he forward-sprang

      from the girls’ room overhang.

Now he’s called - the naughty old rooster.

6. Insert your own random thought here. For my Mother’s Day present to myself, I signed up for I followed several blogs during the April A to Z Blogging Challenge who wrote about their ancestry. I have my 23 and me results but wanted a little bit more! Let me just tell you that I could go down some deep rabbit holes. I am FASCINATED by what I am finding. My parents and grandparents have been dead so long and looking at the record of their marriage license and the census records makes them come alive again for just a few moments.



  1. YES to sunshine and accomplishments. Those always brighten my day for sure.

  2. Amen to your #1! Speaking of which, we watched Jeff Foxworthy's the 'Good Old Days' last night and I had to keep running to the bathroom. I love what Anne Lamott says, "Laughter is carbonated holiness."

    1. I LOVE Anne Lamott and that is a great quote!

  3. I have never traced my 'roots' although do know quite a bit about my dad's side of the family as he did much research before he died. I am part Native American (a very small teeny tiny part) on my mom's side and I'd love to know more about that.

    1. We were disappointed to find that we don't have Native American blood. We were always told that we did. Someone did tell me that not many Native Americans have taken the DNA tests and that as more people take the test, my percentages could change. I know that some of my other percentages have changed so that makes sense.

  4. Congrats on joining Ancestry. It's a time gobbling interest that just gets more intriguing as you go along. I was told I had Native American ancestors. No, I did not. There is zero there so, much for a widespread and often erroneous family story.

    1. I've gone back several generations so far and it is so interesting but yes . . .it is a time gobbling interest!

  5. Baby giggles was the first thing that popped into my mind! Ancestry is fascinating to me! Thankfully, there are some relatives on my father's mother's side who kept up with it as the years have gone by. We have a huge family reunion every other year that encompasses when my ancestors immigrated from Germany.

    1. How fun to have a huge family reunion. I would love that!

  6. Hooray for sunshine and laughter and giggles!

    1. Thanks so much for visiting and commenting! Have a great day!

  7. I never get tired of smiles.
    What machine or appliance in your home aggravates you the most? Mixie. Because it makes a lot of noise.
    My latest post: Post-book blues and All my A to Z Challenge blogposts

    1. I had to google Mixie - that is new to me. I'm assuming it is similar to what we call a blender?

  8. OMG Lisa... that limerick is a riot!! Good luck with Have a good weekend.

  9. It sounds like we all need new washers. Great answers.
