Thursday, May 6, 2021

Show Us Your Kitchen!

Show us your kitchen!

I do indeed love my kitchen . . .especially when it is clean! We've been in this house 7 years next month and this kitchen is so much better than my previous kitchen. Does this kitchen have every single thing I want or maybe need? No, but there are so many things I do love. I LOVE our island and use it for cooking and crafting and serving. Since Mark and I are the only ones at home, we also eat 99% of our meals at the island. I know that in 7 years trends have changed again and people either put marble or quartz counters in. Mark says if we ever redo our counter tops, he wants to use Alabama marble. I think it is lovely but it stains so easily and I think that would drive me nuts. Pros and Cons?

I also love my gas cooktop which leads me to the one or two things I would change. My dream cooktop would be a six burner "red knob" (Wolf) cooktop. We would have to do a major kitchen overhaul for me to get that cooktop because it is bigger, etc. I would also love a double wall oven rather than one oven and microwave.

We are thinking about replacing the lights over the island. We have a friend who works in the lighting industry and she is going to help us find some new fun lights for over the island. Any suggestions?

Our garage fridge died a year or two ago so we moved the builder grade fridge from the kitchen to the garage and bought a new fridge. I love the freezer on the bottom and the "French doors."

When I took the picture above, I realized that I needed something on the wall above the cooktop and I've added a cute green wreath.

Our old house had stained wood cabinets and the kitchen always felt dark. These cabinets are made by Danbury and are painted Icy Mint. They look white to some folks but there is the tiniest hint of bluegreen in the color.

I also love the 3 X 6 white tiles in the herringbone pattern on the two sections. The grout is pewter colored which is a bonus!

I am the main cook in our house and the main grocery purchaser. My pantry is in the area behind the cooktop which is actually the space under our stairs. The day we were moving into the house I realized that there was NO PANTRY! I may have freaked out. For a long time, I made do with a metal shelf in that area under the stairwell. A couple of years ago, our neighbor came and measured and built beautiful shelves for me so I have an official pantry now!!

I also excel at eating so I'm always on Weight Watchers!

We spend a lot of time in the kitchen area because you will see in another post that it is a big open space with the "family/great/living" room plus the laundry room is through a door by the fridge so I'm in and out of that space. Oh! I forgot -- I also fold clothes on our island!!

One last thing -- pre-covid we hosted a dinner and Bible study every week for young professionals. We are hoping to move from zoom back to in house soon!! I love the fact that young adults, in addition to eating food, have studied the word of God at our island -- a different kind of nourishment. They've also assembled health kits for the homeless and they've bagged snacks for a group home and they've assembled kits for parents who bring their children to Children's Hospital . . .and end up staying . . .and need a toothbrush, etc.

Show us your kitchen and tell us all about your favorite parts and the things you would like to change! Link up below or feel free to post in the comment section.


  1. Your kitchen is absolutely gorgeous, I love everything about it! My kitchen could use major updating, It still has the original cabinets and counters from when the house was built in the early eighties. We had moved to what I always called our McMansion and rented this house for years. After the kids were grown and on their own we sold the big home and moved back here to our tiny beach house. At this point I don't even care about the outdated kitchen. It's clean and functional. I don't need much more than that anymore. :)

    1. thanks so much for commenting! Please feel free to join in one week - I'm going to put the prompts out on Wednesday and link up on Thursdays. Clean, functional, and at the beach sounds like the perfect equation!

  2. How beautiful! I love my mid-90's funky kitchen ... warts and all. Just wish it didn't have the busy granite countertops. I'm constantly having to do the 'flat palm pat-pat-pat' to find any little thing. Tom's hearing aid batteries always seem to disappear!

    1. Thinking about mid-90's funky kitchen makes me smile! Sounds fun!

  3. I do like your kitchen!! I had to look up Alabama marble and I would say No to it because like you said, I think it would be hard to keep clean. Our kitchen needs an update but I don't see that happening soon. We do have a nice size pantry which I do like. Its funny, in our house it is the opposite, hubby is the main cook and grocery shopper (just recently grocery shopping, we used to do it together, but he likes to linger in the store and I'm like let's just get it done, so now I give him the list I need and he shops on Fridays while I'm working as he's retired :) One thing I don't like about our kitchen is where the dishwasher is. It opens up right by the cabinets where the dishes go (and there's no place else to have the dishes and glasses except where they are at in those cabinets). So I have to put the dishes/glasses on the counter, close the dishwasher, and then stack them in the cabinets. I missed that when we were looking at the house otherwise I would have probably not gone for it. Its a minor inconvenience and we bought this house 5 years ago when real estate here in Phoenix, like now, was hot and houses would sell within minutes of being on the market. Since we wanted a house with a pool and close to son/family, we compromised a bit on some of the things we wanted (not too much). I should be happy I have a dishwasher, lol, though it does need to be replaced :)

    Cute series. I will participate sometime, this week was busy with job interviews and the like so didn't have time to prepare a post :)


    1. I'm still working and hubby has partially retired but I'm still hanging on to grocery duty for now. That would be annoying about the dishwasher door. Our left refrigerator door won't open all of the way because of the wall into the laundry room! Yes! Real Estate is very hot right now - definitely a seller's market!

  4. You have a lovely kitchen and so great for entertaining!

  5. Thank you! It is a great kitchen for entertaining
