Monday, May 10, 2021

10 on the 10th

10 Things You Hate (or really dislike) to Do

Linking up with Once Upon a Time Happily Ever After!

This month’s edition of 10 on the 10th is an opportunity to vent a little about those things in life you hate doing (and I'm going to add things I dislike!).

I thought this sounded like fun and then I remembered that positivity is my #1 strength so hate is a really strong word!! I can definitely come up with 10 things I dislike to do!!

1. I really dislike crazy, rude drivers. I think we may have lost all road civility over the last year. People think they don't have to stop at stop signs. People think they should go first at a 4 way stop. People think they can drive up the shoulder in a traffic jam and duck back in at the beginning of the line.

2. I really dislike cleaning bathrooms. At this stage of my life I am very blessed to have a wonderful friend come and clean my house once a week. I am so thankful she scrubs the showers and toilets!

3. Speaking of bathrooms, I really dislike taking a cold shower. I love for the water to be HOT!

4. I dislike having most political discussions. Not only have we lost road civility (#1), we sometimes have lost the ability to have a civil discussion with another human being who might not believe the same way we do.

5. I dislike failing. Yes, I know that we often have to fail several times before we get really good at something but I still hate failing.

6. My husband would say that I dislike working outdoors and while that is somewhat true, sometimes a good outdoor project is just what I need. 

7. I dislike sweating -- not on the beach or when I'm out for a walk -- I hate sweating when I'm dressed in nicer clothes. 

8. I dislike ALWAYS having to watch my weight. I'm so jealous of people who can basically eat whatever they want and rarely gain a pound. 

9. I dislike have dental work done. I don't mean I mind going for a check up and cleaning but I hate to have a crown or a filling. Thank goodness my dentist will use "happy gas." Insurance doesn't pay for it but it so worth it. 

10. I do not enjoy going into an event/room/meeting/party where I'm the only person I know. I do it and can actually do it well, if needed, but I dislike it strongly!!

I feel like I need to write 10 things I love. It actually took two days to come up with 10 things I dislike for this post. 


  1. A lot of the stuff on your list would be on my list :) I so agree about having to watch what I eat all the time. Looked like a fun meme to do, might have to check it out! And I so agree about drivers. Its amazing how many accidents happen around here and a lot of times it is because someone blows through the red light.


    1. This is indeed a fun meme to do - This is my 2nd or 3rd time to do it. I actually put it on my calendar so I'll remember to write it. Thanks so much for commenting!

  2. I can agree with all of these!

    1. Thanks so much for visiting and commenting. Hope you have a great day today!

  3. Yep! I remember years ago someone observed, it's easier for most folks to identify those things they DISlike v. what they do. Sooo, if this took you 2 days? Hey, that's speaks a lot about your 😃 state of mind.
    I'd say my biggest dislike is insincerity.

  4. I like a nice hot shower too; so hot my husband jokes that I set it on nuclear. I too hate having to always watch my weight and every single bite of food... it's a real struggle for me and always has been.

    1. Nuclear shower - yes, I totally agree!!!

  5. LOL... I used to say hate is too strong of a word. Instead I would say "I dislike it very highly!" I'm with you on sweating in dressy clothes and that's a very good reason to stop wearing fancy clothes! I like my shower hot too! A fun list!! xo

    1. I love your thought -- "that's a very good reason to stop wearing fancy clothes" - I laughed out loud!

  6. I don't like crazy, rude drivers too. No cold showers for me either, though my hubby likes I don't like political discussions as well. Dental work was on my list as well.

  7. Numbers 4, 7, 8 and 9. All the way. I even mentioned them myself:)

  8. Oh, do host a 10 things you love post and we can all join you. When I thought of the 10 things you hate prompt, I was thinking about filing taxes. Really dislike doing that and was mid-way in doing them.

    I agree HATE is a strong word. And to be honest, I never use it. Not sure why I did for this.

    Great answers...1, 9, 10 all resonate with me. I will go to all extremes to keep a driver from jumping line ahead of everyone. We are all in such a hurry these days. Now that I am no longer working, I enjoy the luxury of being able to drive more slowly.
