Wednesday, December 8, 2021

Silent Night Hodgepodge

 From this Side of the Pond

Thanks so much to Joyce for the questions every week! You can copy the questions and answer on your own blog and join everyone on Wednesday OR please feel free to answer in the comments section.

1. 'Tis the season to be are you? I want to be jolly. Normally, I'm jolly. I'm feeling a little frazzled this year. We don't have our tree up yet due to circumstances beyond my control. I haven't finished shopping. I'm trying to be jolly.

2. Do you trim a tree this time of year, and if so is yours all done? What's something in your home-closet-life that needs to be trimmed in the new year? See answer to #1. Our tree is sitting in the garage waiting to be put into the tree stand and then decorated. All of our closets and our attic need to be trimmed. 

3. Are you 'dreaming of a white Christmas'? Is that a possibility where you'll be celebrating? According to this site the top ten places in the US you can count on for a white Christmas are- North Pole Alaska, Crater Lake Oregon, Yellowstone National Park, Winthrop Washington, Aspen Colorado, Ketchum Idaho, Mt. Washington New Hampshire, Whitefish Montana, Duluth Minnesota, and the Lake Tahoe town of Truckee California

Of the snowy spots listed which would you most like to visit? 

We are in Alabama so the chance of a white Christmas is slim to none. I could dream all I want but the odds of it happening are not in our favor. I think it would be cool to visit North Pole, Alaska for Christmas!! Someone I know lives in Truckee, California and her pictures are always gorgeous. They have already had at least one big snowfall.

4. December 8th is National Brownie Day...will you be celebrating? How do you like your brownies-chewy or cake-like, frosted or plain, nuts or no nuts, a piece from the middle or give me the corner? As a child were you a member of a brownie troop? I don't eat sweets so I won't be celebrating but if I were, I would probably be eating a Brown Sugar Brownie. I do love a good brownie with lots of pecans and I want the very middle piece. When our kids were growing up, I would cut the edges off our brownies. My kids called the edges "brownie bones." Mark LOVES the edges!! I was never a member of a Brownie troop but our daughter was for a couple of years. 

5. Share a favorite line or two from a Christmas carol or holiday tune. I love Silent Night - so . . .

Silent Night

Holy Night

All is calm

All is bright

Round yon virgin

mother and child

Holy infant so tender and mild

Sleep in heavenly peace

Sleep in heavenly peace

6. Insert your own random thought here. I'm all out of random thoughts this week! I need to make a list of gifts I need to purchase, Christmas cards I need to finish, what decorations need to be brought down from the attic, etc.  . . .I might not have my tree up yet but I have several nativity sets already out. Much like the very last line of Silent Night - Christ the Savior is born! Christ the Savior is born! I need to remind myself THAT is the whole reason we are celebrating - Christ the Savior is born.


  1. I was feeling ahead of the game with the shopping, but I'm a bit frazzled now. Just feeling the time crunch as I still need to mail some gifts. My house is decorated but I haven't done any baking yet. We have quite a few events on the calendar so I'm trying to take things one day at a time. Our tree is up and my favorite thing is to sit beside it in the early morning with just the tree lights on in the room. All is calm, all is bright...

    1. yes! yes! yes! Christmas light in the quiet morning - divine!!

  2. Yeah, we're in Florida and while it has snowed in the not too distant past, a white Christmas is not a thing here!

    1. I think we have had snow flurries on Christmas Eve and/or Christmas Day. I actually looked on and there was evidently snow on the ground in the Birmingham area in 1929 on Christmas Day . . .I'm old but not that old hahahaha!

  3. You sound stressed. I hope you get some time to be jolly and enjoy the season.

    1. Yes, I guess I am stressed this year. My mother-in-law's health has not been good so life has been extra crazy. I'm hoping for some jolly this weekend!!

  4. Too funny about the 'brownie bones.' Neither of us are big on sweets, but my DIL's mint brownies are ah-mazing. Funny, I recently discovered an un-eaten Little Debbie Christmas tree still in the cellophane in the back of the pantry. (Son's a LD distributor, so there's always going to be more. Lots more.)

    1. so fun that your son is a Little Debbie distributor! I actually looked for a box of the Christmas tree cakes at lunch today in a Publix near my office . . .they were out :-)

  5. All my nativity sets are out, too. Hope your jolly comes soon. Happy Hodgepodge to you!

  6. Replies
    1. We also called the pizza crust "pizza bones" :-)

  7. Replies
    1. Thanks so much for visiting and commenting!
