The students in her class ask her such funny questions. This morning while we were eating breakfast, she told me a new one. Student: "Miss Elliott - who fixes your hair in the morning?" Laura answered - "Do you mean who combs it and fixes it before I come to school?" The student said, "yes." Laura said, "I fix my own hair. Who fixes yours?" Student: "My mommy." I love it!
I think Laura has learned more about Justin Beiber (is that even how you spell his name?) and other things that fourth graders are interested in. They are always interested in what is in her lunch and her earrings. A friend of ours, Natalie Fry Horne has a business called Knick Nats. She makes these great earrings and we own lots of pairs. One day, one of the fourth grade girls said, "Are you wearing Natalie Horne?" She didn't say, "Are you wearing earrings made by Natalie Horne" or "are you wearing Knick Nats?" She asked. . . "are you wearing Natalie Horne?" (like are you wearing Prada?!!!) Natalie - you are famous!!
How exciting it must be for Laura. Congrats to Laura and I hope she had a great first day of student teaching.