Sunday, October 29, 2023

Sunday Stealing

I'm joining up with the Sunday Stealing crowd:

1, Do you decorate for Autumn? Yes, I love fall decorations – from Halloween to Thanksgiving. I don’t decorate for Christmas until after Thanksgiving because I love fall decorations so much!

2. How often do you clean out your closets? I’m sure I don’t do it often enough. I did get rid of a lot of stuff after the fire. I had a closet full of things at a friend’s house and I didn’t wear them for a whole year so I weeded out most of those and gave them to one of my mother-in-law’s caregivers.

3. When is the last time you planned a surprise for someone? When we went to Israel earlier in the year, my boss (senior pastor) had a birthday. I got in touch with everyone going on the trip and asked them to bring a card and a small “thought” gift and we surprised him at lunch that day.

4. Are there foods you really don’t like? Beets. I don’t like beets.

5. What is something you recently learned? I learned something new about an app I use – I can hold my finger on the app and it opens a few choices on the home screen. Very handy. I’m also learning all sorts of things in BIO 102.

6. Items you’re most likely to buy at a convenience store: Diet pepsi, bottles of water, cheese its.

7. Do you believe in the paranormal? I’m not sure.

8. How would you describe your spirituality? I am a Christian. I work in a church. I facilitate two different studies every week. My goal is to Love God and Love people – all people.

9. Do you make plans far in advance: I do like to plan things in advance.

10. Do you like being scared for fun? I used to! We went to a play and they fired a gun . . . which they warned us about at the beginning before the play started. I still jumped about a foot in the air! I used to like to go to Haunted Houses but I don’t know that I would enjoy them anymore.

11. What has been difficult for you lately? I need a few more hours in every day. I try to cram too many things into too short of a time.

12. Have you ever written or read fanfiction? No

13. What type of wall art do you have in your home? We just bought some new canvases that are so pretty (see below). I also have art from family members (see here) and art from travels.

14. Are you more likely to be private or overshare? I’m pretty sure I overshare always.

15. What have you recently learned to live without? We learned to live without our house and without our things for a whole year and ten days.


  1. #4 no beets for me, either! #6 Diet Pepsi for me too 14. Sharing on a blog is a balancing act, isn't it?

    1. Sharing on a blog definitely requires thought. I have written posts and never published them but the writing helped!!

  2. Our name in the UK for "beets" is "beetroot" and I love it. It makes a sald just that extra bit special.

    Yes - I think I need more hours in a day too.




    1. I love the appearance of beets in a salad! I just don't eat them. I want to like them but I just can't

  3. By the way "sald" in my previous comment is meant to be "salad". It's not a crazy new British word - just a stupid typo.


  4. When I was a child, I had to take some liquid medicine that tasted like coconut and it made me ill. This is why I cannot eat coconut (you asked). I am not a fan of beets, either, but will eat them.

    1. I definitely understand! I got sick on lemonade when I was pregnant and didn't drink it for YEARS. I've tried to eat beets and I just can't. They are so beautiful and look like they would be tasty . . .but not to me.

  5. You win the prize for the best answer to #15. I enjoyed your post and thoughful answers!! Have a blessed week ahead!

    1. I just read your blog and I was thinking that learning to live without your husband would be really hard. I stopped and said a prayer for you!! I hope you have a great week, too.

  6. No beets here either. Unless itś for colouring something. LOL!

    Love the art!

    Have a great week!

  7. I should have done Sunday Stealing this week but I just ran out of time! Good answers.
