Wednesday, March 1, 2023

The First of March Hodgepodge

First of all, how in the heck is it already March 1? Really! Second, I'm joining us with friends over at From This Side of the Pond. Joyce writes the questions. We answer and link up. We then read everyone else's answer and comment. It is fun!

1. Hello March! Is it coming in like a lion where you live? How do you feel when it rains? The forecast for the first three days of March for our area contains thunderstorms! I guess that is coming in like a lion. I used to love a good thunderstorm! I’ve been known to sit on our porch until the last possible minute before running into the house. After our lightning strike and house fire on July 9, I find myself a little fearful during storms. It is fun to curl up with a book on a rainy day!

2. What's something you'd like to do differently this week than the last? Explain. We had covid last week so this week is pure joy! When we turned the corner, we turned the corner. CDC guidelines are to isolate for five days and then to mask for five days. We have finished and we both have tested negative. The thing I'm doing differently is not sitting in the recliner sleeping all day! I'm out living life.

3. March 1st is National Sunkist Citrus you drink orange juice? Orange, lemon, lime, tangerine, grapefruit...what's your favorite citrus fruit? A dish you love with a citrus fruit as one of it's key ingredients? I rarely drink orange juice. I prefer to eat an actual orange! I love most all citrus. My favorite might be lime . . .in a margarita! I’m going to count that as my “dish,” too!

4. What do you consider to be your culture. Elaborate. I live in the south in the U.S. To be honest, I could probably stop there. Should I or should I not keep going?

5. Sum up your February in fifteen words or less. We traveled across the world and walked where Jesus walked and covid finally caught us. (I need applause please . . .I normally can't write anything in the number of words suggested!!)

6. Insert your own random thought here. They are working on our house . . .and drumroll . . .we’ve seen the work calendar and they have a projected completion date of May 29. To be honest, I don’t think they will finish by then BUT I think we will be back in before the July 9 one year anniversary.



  1. Nice that you have an end date for the house!

    1. I know! I don't think it will be finished by then BUT it shouldn't be too much longer.

  2. Oh, that meme is priceless. Ditto on the margarita. Great news on your home!

  3. Yay! That's wonderful news and I hope they stay on track. So glad Covid is behind you and you can get back into life.

  4. Glad you're feeling better and out living life again! The house looks so good!

  5. Congrats on putting February into 15 words. Inspiring to walk where Jesus walked. Sorry about the Covid. Your culture gif is great! Woohoo on a completion date for your home.

  6. Yes, I would be afraid of the lighting too since your house fire. Happy to hear that your Covid is over. I know so many people who have recently had it. I do like putting fresh lemon in my water. (applause) I hope the work continues to go well on your home.

  7. I enjoyed your answers. Glad you're feeling better. That southern quote is hilarious!
