Wednesday, September 1, 2021

Apple a Day Hodgepodge

Thanks to Jo for the questions to this week's Wednesday Hodgepodge. Answer on your own blog then join us here to add your link and share your answers or feel free to answer in the comments section below. 

From this Side of the Pond

1. As we begin this brand new month tell us, on a scale of 1-10, where does your life fall in terms of being in 'apple pie order'? Please elaborate. (1=nowhere near it, 10=practically perfect in every way)

This is a hard question to answer. I love to be positive so I want to say 10 but in reality that is not true right now.  Tonight, Bob Goff will be speaking at our church and I've been very involved in the process. I can't wait to hear what he has to say. Mark and I have heard him in person twice before and we've done all of his studies with our young adults. Bob Goff is a total positive (minus the worry if I have everything lined up) for my month. We are still dealing with Mark's elderly mom and that is not a 10. All in all, we live a really good life. 

2. An apple a day keeps the doctor away...are you doing your part? Red or green? Sweet or tart? Ever played the game Apples to Apples? Do you like apple pie? If so, ala mode or just gimme the pie? I'm not eating an apple a day but I eat fruit every day! I wrote this post about apples back in April. Let's see - I love a good red, sweet with a tiny bit of tart, firm flesh apple - please don't give me a mushy or mealy apple! I have played Apples to Apples one time . . .a long time ago. We don't play board games very often at our house. Apple pie with ice cream is yummy. I really love apple roll and you can read about it here.

3. Tell us about a time recently where you 'upset the apple cart' or the last time someone 'upset your apple cart'? Our daughter, son-in-law, and granddaughter #2 came home for the weekend two weeks ago. I ordered Chick Fil A online and paid and asked Mark and son-in-law to go pick it up. It turned into a huge fiasco and I totally lost it . . .yes, over Chick Fil A.  Basically, Chick Fil A upset my apple cart and then I upset everyone's apple cart. I'm not proud of that moment and I'm thankful for grace - lots of grace!

4. What are three words that come to mind when you think of September? Football, fall, time -- 

1. Football is an obvious answer and that would be Auburn football. In the state of Alabama, you pretty much have to choose - you are either an Auburn fan or an Alabama fan. We take football seriously in the south . . and in Alabama! 

2. Fall is coming - this week, there will be a hint of cool in the early mornings which is always a gift. We will still have hot temps but there will be a few days where we get a tiny glimpse of cooler temps. I will still be wearing shorts at Thanksgiving so we aren't talking cold weather anytime soon. 

3. Time - the days start getting shorter and shorter. Around the summer solstice, daylight arrives shortly after 5:00 a.m. Each day, sunrise is happening later and later and I know that we still have 24 hours in a day but something about the darkness makes it seem less.

5. What are you most looking forward to this month? I'm really looking forward to tonight! We will be attending our long time supper club and time with those friends nourishes and restores me. For the first time, we will be hosting one of our neighborhood supper clubs. We've never participated before but after Covid shutdown, I told Mark I wanted to participate. I can't wait to tell y'all about it after we host! We are also in an "out to eat" supper club that rotates every quarter and we have an outing planned. These "out to eat" supper clubs were born in our Sunday School class. Everyone who wants to participate signs up and we have a coordinator who divides the group into smaller units. A host is assigned for each month. The host's job is to find a restaurant that will accomodate the group, pick a date, email everyone with info. Then we gather at the restaurant and each couple or individual pays for their own meal. It works well and we get to know people better in smaller groups. I hope these activities get to happen . . .covid is horrible in our state right now.

6. Insert your own random thought here. I've registered at a local community college for classes that will begin in January. I'm having trouble getting my high school transcripts. I've been accepted pending receipt of this paperwork. Eek! I hope I'm not too old to learn a thing or two!


  1. Hope you have lots of fun tonight!

  2. I can't imagine Chick fil a upsetting the apple cart. They are normally so on top of things. I hope your transcripts come through. Good luck with your class. I think it is a good thing to do in this season of life. Learning something new keeps our brains young. Have a nice week!

    1. I know - Chick Fil A has the best customer service. It was a crazy mix up where I ordered online and paid online and hubby was to pick up! All of this happened during a big rainstorm . . .long story!

  3. Good for you going back to school! I graduated with my BA when I was 50 and was also afraid I had forgotten how to study and learn and be disciplined. It all came back! You will be fine! Another fun Hodgepodge! I enjoyed your answers!

    1. Glad to know that you went back to school, too! Thanks for sharing.

  4. LOL, I have been in situations that sound similar to your Chik-fil-a moment... at the very same place. As much as love their customer service, they've gotten my order wrong 3 times in a row.

    1. I ordered from my Chick Fil A app and instead of putting my name on the order, they put "valued customer" . . .the location was over packed with kid's baseball teams PLUS it was pouring rain. I had already paid online -- big mix up!

  5. I'd love to hear Bob Goff. Enjoy your supper club. I've always thought they sound fun.
