Monday, July 10, 2023

Would You Rather Ten on the Tenth

I'm joining up with Marsha in the Middle and friends for 10 on the 10th. July's questions are "would you rather" questions.

1. Would you rather get up early to see the sun rise or stay up late to see the sun set? I love both sunrises and sunsets. When we had to move to the apartment last July, it gave me great comfort to see the sunrise each day and remind myself that it was the same sun and the world was still spinning. I have so many pictures of sunrises and sunsets on my phone!

2. Would you rather wear sneakers or flip flops? I wear birkenstocks or Vionic flip flops about 10 months of the year. Sneakers are good for exercising or long walks when we travel out of the country or even long walks in the neighborhood but I LOVE a good flip flop.

3. Would you rather have to wear a tutu to the beach or a tiara to the pool? Please give me the tiara. I'm assuming I would have on a bathing suit and cover-up, too! Just call me the Queen of Sunbathing!

4. Would you rather have a pool full of jello or a slip and slide full of pudding? Both sound rather sticky but I think I'll slip and slide on the pudding!

5. Would you rather live in a tree house or on a boat? I should pick tree house since I often experience motion sickness but I think I have to choose the boat -- I would like a luxury houseboat, please.

6. Would you rather camp in a yurt or in a camper? I want to glamp if I have to camp so could I please have one of those luxury campers? One of these might be nice. I will say that these yurts looks pretty good, too!

7. Would you rather walk barefoot on grass or walk barefoot in the sand? I love walking barefoot in the sand. Let's go!!

8. Would you rather go water skiing or water tubing? I haven't been up on water skis in quite a few (a lot) years and I wasn't very good at skiing. I think I'll pick water tubing . . .maybe on a lazy river rather than behind a boat!

9. Would you rather be covered in watermelon juice or ketchup? Watermelon juice is sooooo sticky but the thought of being covered in ketchup doesn't sound great either. I'm going with neither hahaha!

10. Would you rather go on a hot air balloon ride or a helicopter tour? Recently, I shared on a nother post that we plan to go on a hot air balloon ride in 2024. We will be in a hot air balloon over Cappadocia. Here is a picture of hot air balloons over Turkey that I found on the internet - doesn't that look amazing???


  1. Those Alaska yurts are beautiful! Adding that to my Alaska-related wishlist! The idea of a hot air balloon scares me, but I admit I'm tempted when I see gorgeous pictures like the one you shared. Very exciting that you'll be going on a balloon ride soon! Enjoyed comparing answers with you today!

    1. The idea of a hot air balloon ride scares me, too, but I'm trying to live life and not miss out on things because I'm too afraid.

  2. Yurts seem so cool! And they can be so glampy. I also linked one on my post! Lol!

    1. I think the word "yurt" sounds like something that would be yucky . . and then I look at some pictures and am amazed at how glampy they can be!

  3. Now that is a yurt I'd be willing to try! As long as I have my own private bathroom I'm good to go. I think hot air balloon rides look so relaxing and pretty but know I'd be a nervous wreck if I ever actually attempted one.

    1. I am pretty sure I will be a nervous wreck, too!

  4. I really enjoyed reading your answers! While I am absolutely terrified of heights, I think hot air balloons are so cool. I hope you have the most amazing time on yours next year!

    Shelbee on the Edge
