I'm joining up with the Sunday Stealing gang. Bev steals the questions from the internet and we answer! She stole this week's questions from Swap Bot.
1. Live on a boat or in a treehouse? I think I would live on a houseboat but a treehouse might be really cool.
2. No computer use for a year or no sweets for a year? Please let me keep my computer. I'll give up sweets for a year.
3. Have $2,000 right now or be given $100 every month for the rest of your life? I'm actually sitting here adding up that I would have to wait well over a year to get to the $2,000 mark but hopefully, I have at least 10 more years (maybe lots more years). If I could make myself savae the $100 each month, I could accrue a tidy sum. I have a feeling that I would fritter away that $100 each month.
4. Be an astronaut or an athlete? I would love to be an athlete. I would love to have those gorgeous toned arms that some women have.
5. Have 50 good friends or only one best friend? I am blessed to have lots of good friends and best friends. I'll keep what I have and happily add more to the good friend category.
6. Have bright blue teeth or bright blue hair? I think blue hair might be fun . . .but not old lady blue hair. IYKYK.
7. Have the power of flight or the power of invisibility? I don't know . . .it would be great to fly places all over the world so I guess I would choose flight . . .but it would be so interesting to be invisible and sneak into some places.
8. Have a fun friend who is snarky or a boring friend who is kind? I'm not sure but I see myself as the fun friend who is snarky. I don't think we have any boring friends. If Mark were here, I would ask his thoughts on my comment and he would probably have a different opinion. He definitely only wants fu friends :-).
9. Be incredibly rich but without love or be poor but have a happy marriage? I'm not choosing either/or . . .definitely a happy marriage but let's be rich, too!
10. Have a freezing cold shower every day or a pleasant hot shower once a week? I would have to go with the freezing cold shower every day. I do not like going a single day without a shower.
11. Be an only child or have many siblings? I have two sisters but they are quite a few years older (one is 8 years older and one is 13 years older). I felt like an only child at times. One of my favorite friends growing up was an only child and she got lots of everything including a baby blue camaro when she turned 16 BUT one of my other favorite friends growing up was from a family with 5 kids and I always loved hanging with them and wanted more sisters and a brother or two. After my mom died, the family with 5 kids had a family pool membership. That year, I had a membership with them . . .I became Lisa . . .and their last name.
12. Quit video games forever or live in a desert for a month? I don't play video games. I don't have time to play video games. If I could live in an air conditioned home in the desert, I would choose desert.
13. Go on a one week trip to a foreign country of your choice or a month long trip in your own country? Give me all of the one week trips to all of the foreign countries. I'm your girl for that assignment! I will admit that there is a lot of the US that I haven't seen. I've never been all the way to the west coast. I've been to Las Vegas so I was close.
14. Celebrate your birthday every day or go on your favorite holiday once a year? Let's go on a favorite holiday once a year . . .and stay a couple of weeks. . . or longer.
15. If fish could talk, what would you ask them? Why do you never learn not to grab the bait?
I'd love to live on a houseboat! #7 has my mind spinning. Yes, the possibilities (heh-heh)!