Sunday, February 12, 2023

Day 2!

 We headed down to breakfast and there shining through the window was sunrise - Good Morning!

Since Shabat (Sabbath) is from Friday p.m. to Saturday p.m., the meals are more simple. I had yogurt with grapes and toasted oatmeal, a couple of bites of fruit, a piece of cheese, and a bite out of a couple of breads.

We dressed warmly for today because we were headed to the northernmost part of Israel for a jeep ride. OH MY GOODNESS - this was such an adventure and so much fun! From the youngest in the group to the oldest, I think everyone enjoyed it.

See the sign below . . .our guide warned us not to step off the road. Seriously.

This was the view from the window!

Someone in our group took the following photos and they are all so beautiful. I have never felt wind as strong or as cold as the wind we felt today. I had on a cami, a shirt, a fleece zip up vest, a non-down puffy coat, and a jean jacket pulled on top. I also had on gloves and a toboggan.

At the midway point, we parked the vehicles and stood in the snow and heard one of the guides speak about the geopolitical climate here in Israel and directly across from where we stood. They had thermoses of hot tea . . .and I don't normally like hot tea but it was sooo good. They also gave a cookie to everyone. We were supposed to tour a bunker but there was too much snow and ice at the entrance.

We ate lunch at a Lebanese restaurant. It was still Shabat for the Jewish restaurants. After lunch, we wandered around Caesarea Philippi - I love that place. The spring is one of the ones that runs into the Jordan River. This is where Jesus asked the disciples, "who do you say that I am?" while surrounded by all sorts of pagan gods.

We also went to Tel Dan. Do you remember how they were 12 tribes of Israel? Dan was one of them. Our weather was gorgeous and we were outside all day.

We ended our day with dinner back at the hotel and we had to pack up and get ready to head out to see more on Sunday.


  1. Beautiful photos...and I did not know that part of the world got snow. smiles

    1. They don't get it often - there were families out playing in it! The problem is that there are landmine signs everywhere. That would be tough!!!

  2. Great photos and I was surprised that there was snow on the ground! I don't think of it as cold there!! Thanks for the lesson! xo

    1. We were on the border of Syria and Israel - so we were up north BUT it does get cold in Jerusalem. I don't think it snows like that often because all of the kids were out playing in it.

  3. Sounds like an interesting, enjoyable day. There are so many incredible places in this world to see. Hoping we can do some traveling in the near future.

    1. Yes! Traveling opens your eyes and broadens your horizons!!
