Monday, August 16, 2021

Sunday Stealing

I grabbed these questions from Bev Sykes of the blog "Funny the World.” She steals all types of questions from every corner of the blogosphere and we answer and link up!

Stolen from League of Extraordinary PenPals 

1.       What subjects lead you down a Wikipedia rabbit hole? Oh my goodness . . .I google everything and those results often include Wikipedia. I’ve looked up all sorts of things!!

2. How do you like to spend your birthdays? I want a party, of course! Seriously, I do think every year of life deserves a celebration of some sort. We celebrate all birthdays with extended family at Sunday lunch – doesn’t matter where your birthday falls in the week. Our birthdays over the last couple of years have been very low key. Mark and I have hosted a couple of parties for each other for a few of our significant birthdays.

3. Something you might take a little too seriously? I’m a number 1 on the enneagram so I have a tendency to want all things to be perfect and I’m really hard on myself . . . which leads me to take things too seriously at times. Yes, I know that life isn’t perfect. I’m working on it.
4. Describe a time you made a good decision for yourself. I’m trying to make a good decision now. I’ve ordered my college transcripts and I’ve talked to an academic advisor and I’m thinking about finishing my degree. Yes, I’m 63 years old. I might be the oldest one in all of my classes.
5. Something you’ve improved/gotten better at – When I was a kid, I was the one who made straight A’s with a C in conduct. The teacher would often write a comment about my level of socializing and the fact that I talked too much. As I’ve aged, I’ve worked hard (especially in a professional setting) to not talk too much.
6. What dish would you bring to a summer potluck? Asian Slaw – it is so yummy – shredded cabbage, toasted slivered almonds and toasted sunflower seeds, crunchy ramen noodles, chopped green onions and a dressing made of the dry seasoning in the beef ramen noodles, oil, sugar, and vinegar. It is delicious!

7. What do you miss about Winter? I miss very little about winter.

8. Share a summer memory – When I was a kid, we didn’t have a lot of money but somehow my parents scrimped and saved and we went to the beach every summer. We have kept up that tradition with our family and we have been to the beach almost every summer since we married. We have loved our times as a family!

9. Words you misspell or misuse the most – I truly cannot think of an answer. I know there are several but I can’t think what they might be!
10. Things you love to do, that can only happen in summer – sunbathe! Yes, I know it isn’t good for you but I love soaking up a few rays. We do live in Alabama so there are some days in the winter where I probably could still sunbathe! Most years, I’m still wearing shorts at Thanksgiving!
11. How would you describe your sense of humor? I love to laugh!!! I’m not particularly witty but I love hanging out with people who are!
12. Have you ever quit a job or career? I worked at AT&T for 11 years and when I went out on maternity leave with our twins, I didn’t go back. They called me when our babies were six weeks old and tried to get me to come back and I was getting about 3 hours of sleep a night. I turned down the job.

13. What are your favorite features of your cell phone? I love to take photos and I also love the kindle app! I also love to facetime with our granddaughters . . .though they always want to talk to Pops!

14. What scents always make you hungry? Let’s see – popcorn popping and another would be steak or burgers cooking on the grill in someone else’s yard.

15. What are you working on right now? We have a big event coming up at work with a big name speaker and I’ve been working with his people and our people to make this happen.


  1. I, too, love hanging out with witty folks. My BF has undergone some pretty significant hardships, yet she's one of the funniest people I've ever known. Ditto about the aroma of popcorn and grilling. Too, for me, is garlic and onions frying on the stovetop.

    1. yum - I didn't think about onions! I read a really old magazine article back when just about all women stayed home. It said before your husband came home in the evening, put a pan of onions on to cook and he would think you had been working hard in the kitchen all day. I'm laughing as I type those words!!

  2. I know I expect people to do their best, not perfect but best and am disappointed when they don't do a good job for the money I give them. Go back to school any time any where. When I met my husband he was headed for ph.D but quit with masters to start a work and married life. He eventually went back, paid for by the company, and it was hard but better and he got his doctorate while working!
    I like the kindle app on my IPAD since it's larger than a phone screen, and yes to beaches!
    I miss sunbathing... but as we age the skin can't deal as well. Remember the scent of coppertone? ahhhh
    LeeAnna at not afraid of color

    1. The scent of Coppertone is one of my all time favorite smells!!

  3. Good for you for going back to school to finish your degree!! I admire you for pursuing that! Bacon cooking always makes me hungry. I used to walk our first corgi in the mornings before breakfast and on weekend mornings the smell of people cooking bacon would get me so hungry. Didn't realize the smell could carry that far from the house to the street!


    1. You are right - if we walk early in the morning, we can smell bacon cooking . . .and it does make our stomachs growl!!

  4. Hope you can share the big name speaker with us when possible! How exciting! Fun questions! I did them yesterday. Have a good week! xo

    1. Bob Goff is our speaker who is coming on September 1 and we are so excited!! My husband and I have heard him speak two other times and he is so good. If you have never read his first book, "Love Does" I highly recommend it! I know I should have answered the questions on Sunday but it just didn't happen. I should have titled this post "Sunday Stealing on Monday"!!!

  5. Hope your big event at work is a huge success. These questions were fun to read and ponder for myself as I read over your responses. I applaud you for returning to finish your degree. I got my Master's when I was 50+ - don't feel like doing the math - then paid off my student loans for the degree a month before I retired. Seems kind of silly to have gotten the degree at all but it made my parents happy.
