1. Do you like or dislike surprises? Why or why
I like good surprises :-). I hate when someone surprises you
with something not pleasant - like, "Oh I forgot to tell you that you have
to clean the bathrooms." I totally made up that example but you get my
2. In the evening, would you rather play a game, visit a relative,
watch a movie, or read?
I love to read morning, noon, and night! Mark and I usually
watch one or two episodes each night of whatever series we are streaming. There
have been a few series where I can't watch an episode right before bed because
I can't sleep!!
3. Would you rather vacation in Hawaii or Alaska, and why?
We've been talking about Alaska a lot lately. My husband's
twin brother, wife, and daughter just spent 10 days in Alaska. We've been to
Hawaii many years ago and I do love the beach but I would like to go to Alaska,
4. Would you rather win the lottery or work at the perfect job?
And why?
May I do both? I've always thought it would be fun to win
the lottery but we don't have the lottery in Alabama so I only get to buy a
ticket when we travel. I have a pretty perfect job right now and I do love it
so I can't imagine not working at all. I've always said I would love to be a
philanthropist . . .but you have to be rich so maybe I could win the lottery
and be a philanthropist!
5. If you could go back in time, what year would you travel to?
I don't think I want to go back in time. There have been
events in almost every year that I would love to relive but I can't think of a
year I would prefer over the present. I'm not saying the world is perfect - it
is far from it but I love life and count each day as a blessing.
6. Aside from necessities, what one thing could you not go a day
diet pepsi - seriously. Also, I would not want to go a day
without laughter and love and friends and family and faith.
7. How many pairs of shoes do you own?
I'm not a "shoe" person though my husband would
tell you otherwise. I maybe have 20 or 30 pair but more than half of them are
either flip flops or tennis shoes. I actually hate dress shoes and only wear
them when I have to do so.
8. What would you do if you won the lottery?
Cool! See the answer above - I would be a philanthropist. I
would also want to travel to each country in the world and see how everyone
else lives!
9. What form of public transportation do you prefer? (air, boat,
train, bus, car, etc.)
Our "public transportation system" in the area
where I live is not good so I won't be riding a bus! I much prefer driving
myself because I get car sick. I would love to take a journey on a train. I've
never been on a subway before. I have been on Marta in the Atlanta area. I have
been on the monorail at Disney :-). I fly when I need to get somewhere but I'm
not sure if I actually enjoy it. I've been on one cruise in my life and it was
fun but I did take a lot of Dramamine and I wore a patch! I've ridden on a boat
on the Sea of Galilee and I'm glad I don't have to commute each day on a boat.
choppy seas! |
on the boat! |
10. What's your favorite zoo animal?
I love most all of them but I love to watch the monkeys
because they make me laugh. I love the big cats, too. I do not like the reptile
11. If you could go back in time to change one thing, what would
it be?
I think I would go back and try to undo the times where I
have hurt someone's feelings. I would also like to go back and right any wrongs
I might have done.
12. How many pillows do you sleep with?
I actually have 3 on my side of the bed but most nights
sleep on only one pillow. I actually drag my pillow with me wherever I travel.
13. What's the longest you've gone without sleep (and why)?
I remember going cosmic bowling one time when I was a young
adult and getting home when the sun came up. When we fly long distances on
trips, I catnap but don't sleep. Back in February of 2020 it took us a million
hours to get home and my bed never felt so good.
14. What's the tallest building you've been to the top in?
I can't think of a really tall building - I've never been to
New York nor Chicago. When I worked for South Central Bell, I worked on the
20th floor of a building and had to take the express elevator to my floor which
passed the first 19 floors. I actually had to take Dramamine the first two
weeks I worked there! I can't remember how many more floors there were in that building
but I do know I had to go to the top once or twice.
15. What are your hobbies?
I love to read. I blog. I walk and ride the bike everyday. I
love to cook. I was a scrapbooker but I don't have time for that anymore
and I can't decide if people still scrapbook or if they just make a snapfish