Jump on over to Joyce's blog and answer her questions for Wednesday Hodgepodge!
1. Are you more task oriented or people oriented? Elaborate.
That is a tough question . . .according
to my enneagram, I’m probably task oriented because I’m a perfectionist (we
just did the enneagram on our last staff retreat). I’m also judgmental according to that . .
.and dang it, I keep seeing that in myself!
I try not to be!! Back to the
question – I LOVE people but I also LOVE my personal space and I LOVE some time
alone every day. I have said this before
. . .I must be an extrovert with introverted tendencies . . .or maybe vice
versa. I love to make lists and mark things off (very
task oriented!!) but no matter where I go, someone tells me their life
story. I had a colonoscopy a couple of
weeks ago and I know the CRNA’s life story (she kept me very calm with her
soothing voice!!).
2. December 15 is National Wear Your Pearls Day...do you own/wear pearls? If
you're a man answering the question, does your sweetheart own or wear
pearls? Everyone share a 'pearl of wisdom' with us here today.
I love pearls. I wear them often . . .around my neck and in
my ears. I think it would be hard to be
a southern born and bred woman and not own/wear pearls!!
I shared this “pearl
of wisdom” with a small group participant last night . . .and it is an oldie
but goody and applicable to most all people – “God gave us TWO ears and ONE
mouth. We should listen FAR more than we
talk – even when we want to talk – we often should JUST listen.”
3. Speaking of pearls...oysters? Are you a fan or not a fan? If you answered
yes, tell us your favorite way to eat oysters? If you said no, be honest-have
you ever tried one or does just the idea of eating an
oyster make you gag a little?
I have eaten one raw oyster in my
life. I was in Houston with friends (a
million years ago!) and I had to have a drink to fortify me and I ate that
oyster on a cracker with cocktail sauce.
I have no desire to eat any more.
My husband loves them!
4. Time Magazine has named President-elect Donald Trump Person
of the Year. Let's take presidents and presidential candidates out of
the mix for a minute. If a political figure had not been chosen who
would you name Man or Woman of the Year for 2016?
I think my person of the year would be
someone like Terrie Shroyer, a friend of ours.
She works tirelessly in a ministry with children who don’t have very
much at all. Sometimes, she is just a
warm body and a sweet hug to those children.
She has organized a full thanksgiving meal for 40 families for two years
in a row – we provided green bean casserole ingredients, corn meal, spices,
turkeys, pumpkin pie ingredients, etc.
Another person of the year, would be our friend Mollie – she also works
tirelessly with those who might not have as much. She invites them into her home, she offers
the wonderful gift of friendship (and she does not judge – she evidently DOES
NOT have the same enneagram number that I do!).
My husband and son both work/cook often at a local homeless shelter –
they might be nominees. I feel like I
am surrounded by such good people – people worthy of being named Man or Woman
of the Year for 2016!!
5. The Pantone
Color of the Year for 2017 has been announced, and it's a vibrant
green aptly named-greenery. Your thoughts? Is this a color currently in
your home or wardrobe? Will you add something in this shade for the new year?
Click here to
see the color.
Wow – it is vibrant! It reminds me of a green apple paint color
from a few years ago. I don’t have
anything that color in my house and probably won’t add it anytime soon. I think I may have a shirt or two that are
similar in color. My eyes have a lot of
green and gold and this color would probably work well for me.
6. Today I've had too much________________________.
I’m not sure what I’ve had too much of
today . . .On Monday, I had too much “people” – I even ate lunch at my
desk. That is a rare thing for me and
kind of funny since the very first question today was about people vs.
tasks! On Monday, I also ate way too
many calories/fats/junk food/etc. Ho!
Ho! Ho!
7. Share a favorite lyric from a favorite Christmas carol.
I love this verse of Silent Night – I almost
always get choked up at this point on Christmas Eve:
Silent night, holy night!
Shepherds quake at the sight.
Glories stream from heaven afar
Heavenly hosts sing Alleluia,
Christ the Savior is born!
Christ the Savior is born
8. Insert your own random thought here.
I just can’t believe
that Christmas is approaching so rapidly.
Working on a church staff sometimes sucks the joy out of holidays that
others enjoy. When we leave the
sanctuary on Christmas Day, I will relax and enjoy a week of vacation
(hopefully I will relax!!). I need to
clean out some closets and just hang out in my house and clean and
organize!! I know that doesn’t sound
like that much fun but sometimes having things neat and orderly makes me able
to enjoy the rest of life! I also can’t
believe that at this time last year, I was preparing to go to Israel in
January!! I cannot believe this year has
flown so quickly.
I found your enneagram very interesting, I think I need to research this and do a chart for myself. I agree that this year has flown by, but I'm looking forward to the new year. Have a great week.
Lori in Blue Ridge, GA
Too much? I think I have had too much quilting. I'm working on finishing a quilt that my grandmother started 3+ decades ago. She made this fabulous Lone Star top and then never put the batting or bottom on. I found it a couple years ago and started working on it but put it away when I got busy. At Thanksgiving I had the idea to quilt it by hand and give it to my mom for christmas... only I had no idea how much I had yet to do. I had about 150 'flowers' to quilt yet to go when I started... so basically every night I have been quilting till I can't do it any more. down to under 10 now so I'm going to make it, but my poor tendons in my right hand are going to have to take the month of January off! haha
ReplyDeleteKaren and Lori - thanks so much for commenting! Lori, Enneagram is very interesting!! Karen, I would love to see a picture of that quilt. My niece has a quilting business "on the side" and she always has so many orders that it is unbelievable!!