Yes, I'm running just a little behind . .. I think these are the last Easter pictures. Why do I post all of this stuff? Because I'm getting old and I might forget . . .and hopefully, this will help me remember!!!!
Ok - do you remember what I gave up for Lent? Reese cups! . . .Look what the Easter bunny bought herself!! An entire
Reester Bunny and I did not share. YUMMY! (I will say that I have only had a few from the candy jar at work since Easter so abstaining for that period of time was beneficial. I have also continued the discipline of reading my Bible each morning . . .I just moved right into the book of John and am reading a small portion each morning before my prayer time.)

Yes, even though my "children" are now 24 years old and my husband is much older . . .they still receive Easter baskets. For some reason, I never found the "tub" of Easter decorations in our attic this year so that means I had to buy new baskets. I found these in the $bins at Target - aren't they cute? Bunnies for Laura and Lauren.

And basketballs, etc. for Mark and Glenn. Can you see into the baskets? Everyone got a pack of seeds this year. Lauren and Glenn have planted theirs but neither Laura nor Mark have planted theirs.

We started celebrating Easter (just our immediate family) on Saturday night because when our kids were a part of the church youth group they always participated in the sunrise service. There is no way we could get up early enough to have baskets, etc. before sunrise service. This year we were blessed to have all of our kids home at Easter and so we decided to grill out. We also invited Dustin (a friend) and Grandmother and Ben (our nephew who is at Vanderbilt and was able to drive down for Easter).
We grilled regular hamburgers and Elk (yes, I said Elk) burgers. Did I eat an Elk burger? No. I ate a regular hamburger and it was quite delicious, thank you! Did the guys eat Elk burgers? I know that Glenn and Mark and Dustin ate them . . .I'm not sure about Ben. I think Lauren ate one also. She is pretty adventurous.

After everyone else left, everyone received their Easter basket. (except for this middle-aged mom who never gets an Easter basket . . .
hmmmm . . . I guess the Easter bunny doesn't need a basket :-)

Aren't you impressed that they all posed and smiled for me? I think they have given up. I think they know that I'm going to take the picture whether or not they want me to or not. Another perk of being a middle-aged mom!!

It was a good Easter weekend. I enjoyed spending time with family and friends and I enjoyed worship the next morning.
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