Monday, March 10, 2025

The Week. . .more than just a weekend

I shared photos from the Mardi Gras parade last week. It was a lot of fun. I also decorated inside for the Young Adults.

I had decorations on the mantle.

and hanging from the light fixture over the island

and on the dining room table and on the lantern over the table

and on the entry hall table.

Since the young adults were coming on Fat Tuesday, we served pancakes, sausage squares, bacon, and more. We didn't tell the young adults that Bill had died eaerlier that day until we shared prayer requests right before everyone went home.

Wednesday was Ash Wednesday. This is a horrible picture of me, but I had already worked about 10 hours that day and I was tired. There is a weird shadow under my nose - it wasn't really red!

On Thursday, Amalie came to work and hung out with all of us. She is growing so fast.

Thursday night, we crashed in front of the fire.

I drove to Columbiana on Friday morning for a haircut and to have my roots touched up. I did a quick run in to the Dollar General and then headed back to Homewood for our monthly lunch with my three friends.

On Saturday morning, bright and early, we met our son, daughter-in-law, and granddaughter #1 in the Publix Parking lot and we all headed south to our daughter's fixer upper. Remember I said I went into the Dollar General? I bought $60 worth of paper and art supplies for the big girls. I hung out with them on the porch while everyone else worked inside.

There is a HUGE magnolia tree in their new yard. It is sooo cool. The girls were all under the tree and climbing it.

They've removed some walls and have stripped the paneling and sheetrock from the walls and basically jack-hammered the tile from the floor. They have a LOT of work to do.

After her nap, Grandma (the other grandmother) brought the silly goose over for a visit. Look at that smile!!

We headed home and I made Egg Roll in a bowl for the two of us. The time changed on Saturday night/Sunday morning which made getting up at 5:00 a.m. to go to work on Sunday morning tough! I worked and then taught Sunday School on atonement.

It was a rainy afternoon and we just hung out at home. I did some homework and some laundry and ran the dishwasher. We had a fairly low-key weekend which is good because the coming week is a very busy one!

What did you do this weekend? or last week?


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