Monday, February 10, 2025

Weekend in Reverse!

Why is it a weekend in reverse? Because tonight -- I'm lazy! I loaded the photos and they loaded in reverse order! It is Sunday evening and I'm sitting in my recliner with my feet propped up and I am hopefully done for the day!

This morning, we went to church - I worked and Mark went to worship. Our Bishop preached in our traditional services and he did an amazing job. I had the worship service pulled up on my phone while I was working. In between worship services, I taught Sunday School. Did I tell y'all that one of the young couples classes asked if they could join our class for one month? For the month of February, we are a combo class of folks in their 50's, 60's, and 70's PLUS about 10 couples in their 30's who all have young children. We are having so much fun!! We meet in one of the largest rooms in the church and we have filled it to the brim the last two weeks.

On my way home from church, I stopped at the Pig to pick up a couple of things I forgot when I ordered groceries and I ordered some lunch from their deli. After Mark and I ate, we took a nap. I wasn't kidding when I said we were tired.

After our naps, we both rode our stationary bikes and I meal prepped for Tuesday night (Young Professionals) by cooking four pounds of ground beef and making two Firecracker Casseroles.

I didn't get to see these cuties today but our daughter sent me this picture they took before church. I bought the girls dresses at our church consignment sale. They fit perfectly.

On Saturday night, we walked across the street and had a beverage with our neighbors and she had purchased three different kinds of soup from Costco . . .so we had a bowl of soup. The laughter, beverage, fellowship, and soup were much needed and appreciated.

Why? Our sister-in-law died this past week and her funeral service was on Saturday in Cullman, which is about an hour north of us. The Hoover Fire Department came through for our family for a second time this week. Mark and his sister, Susie, met at Bill's house yesterday and got him dressed. The FD came and carried him from the house to the car and helped load him. Mark chauffeured Bill to Cullman with Susie riding in the back seat. When they arrived at the funeral home, our brother-in-law Bob bearhugged Bill out of the car and into the wheelchair. He was able to make it through part of the visitation and almost all of the service. None of our side of the family went to the graveside. Our daughter and son-in-law were driving up from Pike Road (an hour and 15 minutes south of us) and they stopped at our house for a bathroom break and I rode to Cullman with them. After the service, I rode back to Birmingham with my brother-in-law, Bob. It was a very long day. We are all thankful that his friend and the FD were able to get him to the nursing home earlier this week and then they were able to help Mark and Susie.

I did get to do ONE fun thing this weekend. There is a women's event, Sacred Studio, at a local Presbyterian Church. My other two sister-in-laws and I have attended several times. They didn't have it last year and we were literally counting down the days until we could register this year . . .and we did . . .and we were so excited about the classes we were each going to take. We all three were able to attend on Friday night. I went to a wreath making class.

Here is the finished product. I love how it looks.

Here is an up close look right before I left the workshop to head home.

This is what the room looked like when I arrived. I only want to say one thing -- the folks in my class weren't that friendly toward me. They were talking to each other but because I was an "outsider" . . .Only one person actually had a short conversation with me.

The event begins with a dinner and worship music and a speaker. I thought the tablecloths and centerpieces were beautiful.

Everyone is given a nice bag that has a booklet with spaces to fill in while the speaker talks, a pen, and a Bible highlighter. It is a really nice event. I'm sad to have missed the two workshops yesterday, but we went where we were most needed.

What did you do this weekend?


  1. That sounds like a really fun event. Your wreath turned out beautifully! It's nice to read about the kindness extended your family, the fire department especially. I'm too tired to recap the weekend today, so am going to try to get it posted tomorrow. I need a nap but don't think it will happen today.

    1. I always love reading about your weekends with your family!! I imagine you need lots of naps!!
