Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Wednesday Hodgepodge - Fall!

Answering the questions from Wednesday Hodgepodge. Joyce always asks such interesting questions!!

1. It's fall y'all. What's something you love about this season and also something you don't? 

I’m going to start with the thing I don’t like – ragweed! We have lots of it in Alabama!

Now, on to things I like about fall in Alabama. Our weather is usually wonderful! October is normally a fairly dry month with blue skies and pleasant temps. Mark and I took a drive to the northern part of our state on Friday and it was perfect weather to be outside!

2. When you think of the colors of fall, which one is your favorite? Is there somewhere you could easily day trip to see the leaves in all their glory? Will you?

Orange – not only is it a great fall color, but it is one of the colors for our team – Auburn Tigers! I think we could daytrip back up to North Alabama and see leaves in all their glory! Some years, we have great fall leaves right here in our own town. I don’t know that I will daytrip again this fall but it would be nice! 

3. What's one thing you've let 'fall' by the wayside during this season of staying home and staying away? I feel sort of like our friendships have fallen to the wayside and I hate it! We are normally fairly social people and due to covid, social engagements have been few and far between. We’ve invited friends over to sit on our porch for an evening beverage two or three times. Another couple has invited us to come and sit on their porch two different times and that is about it. Normally, we would have dinner out with friends at least once or twice a month and we would be together with our supper club friends once a month. 

4. If you're wearing a sweater is it most likely a cardigan, crew neck, v-neck, or zip up hoodie? I am one of the hottest natured people you will ever meet. I own three thin cardigans. I do not even own a crew neck or v-neck sweater and just thinking about wearing one makes me itch!! I love a good soft sweatshirt hoodie!! I actually have one in my office. Sometimes during the summer, the air outside would be so humid that the air conditioner in the office would make it feel sub zero. Some of my co-workers even kept a blanket in their office!

5. What's your secret to dealing with change? Change is hard. I hope someone can share the secret to dealing with it!! We’ve been using the word “pivot” at work – when we are going one way and we can’t continue in that direction due to covid numbers, we pivot. I think we have dealt with so much change over the last six months. One way I have dealt with it is to exercise. I have exercised (stationary recumbent bike and a walk) every single day.

6. Insert your own random thought here.

I mentioned our little day trip last week. We were supposed to be at the beach but that didn’t happen due to Hurricane Sally so on Friday we hopped in the car and drove north. We looked at all of the houses that sat perched on the side of the mountain. We bought lunch at the Wildflower Café and ate on an old-timey concrete picnic table right on the bluff. We went to DeSoto Falls and DeSoto State Park . . .and we drove home and had shrimp tacos for dinner!

One more thing -- our neighborhood goes all out for Halloween. I spotted this on my walk yesterday and actually jumped about a foot -- surely this is a big foot skeleton!!


Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Wednesday Hodgepodge -- Old!

1. What's one thing you learned at the ripe old age of whatever age you are now? I feel like I’m always learning something new and one of the reasons is because almost everyone in my office is younger. I had never participated in a zoom call until this year and now I feel like an expert (not really but I certainly know how to use it!) 

2. I read here a list of foods that can help you look younger- extra virgin olive oil, green tea, fatty fish, dark chocolate, vegetables, flaxseeds, pomegranates, avocados, tomatoes, spices, bone broth How many of the foods listed have you tried? How many do you eat regularly? Your favorite from the list? 
I’m not sure I’ve had bone broth before . . .I just googled bone broth and found a handy dandy chart that explained the difference between broth, stock, and bone broth. I have cooked a hambone with some meat still clinging to it and saved the “liquid” to use in red beans and rice. I guess that is sort of bone broth?? I’ve consumed all of the others. Green tea makes my stomach hurt so I don’t drink it. I love avocados and I didn’t like them at all until I was a grown up. 
3. Something you miss from the 'good old days'? When were the good old days anyway? We are supposed to be in Orange Beach, AL right now but Hurricane Sally blew through there early this morning and it looks like one of our favorite places on earth has suffered devastating damage. My heart hurts for all those who live there year round and those who own rental properties and for the stores and restaurants. Covid has already done a number on everything this year and now to add a hurricane on top!! When our kids were young (middle school), we booked 3 condos every summer for a week and my husband’s immediate family all went down together. We’ve been looking at some of those pictures and our son (almost 34 now) said, “those were some of the best days.” I think those might have been the ‘good old days’ for us.
old photos of the cousins at the beach

Our son, now all grown up, carrying his daughter down the same vacation pier.

4. What are two or three of the most rewarding things to be found in growing older? I get to be me! I don’t worry nearly as much about what other people think about me. I am who God created me to be – sometimes funny, often quirky, sometimes grumpy. I don’t feel that pressure to “keep up” with everyone else. The best part is getting to be a Gran to two beautiful girls! I love hanging out with our kids and their spouses and I love to play with the girls! 5. What's your favorite part of your life right now? I do love those grandkids! I also love that my hubby and I have hung in there since 1984. We made it through some tough years. He is now working only 3 days a week and will finally be able to travel with me (if covid ever goes away). We were able to experience Israel together in February. The first two times I went, he was unable to go and I had a great time but it was so awesome seeing everything through his first time eyes. 

Mark at the Western Wall

6. Insert your own random thought here. I think I’m ready for soup weather and I think we might have some of that weather next week. I live in the deep south and we will probably still be wearing shorts at Thanksgiving (I should say that I will still be wearing shorts at Thanksgiving – probably not anyone else!) BUT it is 69 degrees right now and next week, the highs will be in the 70’s and lows in the 50’s!! We will have a touch of fall and I think I’ll have to make soup. I've actually decided to make soup in the crockpot tomorrow!!

Wednesday, September 9, 2020

Wednesday Hodgepodge

Questions courtesy of From This Side of the Pond:

1. Something you've done in recent days or months that might be described as a labor of love? I’ve been sewing masks for a local church/mission – Church of the Reconciler. You can read about their ministry here. I must admit that I have made a few for myself and my family, too.

2. Last time you 'worked your fingers to the bone'? One weekend back in July, we decided to paint the outside of our screened porch. It was hot that day and I almost stayed outside too long! 

3. According to a recent survey people named the following ten jobs as the hardest-nurse, doctor, paramedic, police officer, firefighter, surgeon, healthcare worker, bomb squad, farmer, and prison warden. Of the jobs listed which would you say is the hardest? Oh goodness – they are all hard!! I HATE to be around someone when they throw up so maybe any of the medical professions would be hard for me. The one you'd most like to do? None of those jobs really appeal to me but I guess the one that I might enjoy would be the farmer. Least like to do? See answer about vomit above!! What's one job you would add to the list? School teachers right now!!! Their job is so tough trying to teach the kids – some virtually, some in person, all the while trying to keep themselves and the children safe and healthy.

My daughter's classroom - she is teaching virtually but also has to see students in small groups throughout the week:

4. A recipe you make that is labor intensive, but worth it? I made a praline pecan cake for my mother-in-law’s 95 birthday back in July. She is one of the best bakers around and I wanted to make something special for her. This cake was labor intensive! We also make a German Chocolate cake (mother-in-law’s recipe) that is very labor intensive. Both of these cakes are worth it. I don’t eat desserts with sugar in them anymore but I’ve eaten the German Chocolate cake in the past (really really really good) and everyone said the praline pecan cake was delicious.

5. Last job you did or task you completed that required teamwork? I work on a church staff and I feel like a lot of our jobs require teamwork – worship services require teamwork. Speaking of worship services – is your church meeting in person yet?

6.  Insert your own random thought here. We had some time with both of our granddaughters over the long weekend. Our son’s little girl is four going on fourteen and is so cute and sweet and loves her pops (and Gran). Our daughter’s little girl will be 14 months this week and she is so cute, funny, and sweet!! She is like a little sponge right now – she wants to imitate anything we say or do!


Thursday, September 3, 2020


Welcome to another edition of the Wednesday Hodgepodge. Thanks to “from this side of the pond” for the questions! Yes . . .I know it is not Wednesday. I guess mine is Thursday Hodgepodge.

1. The Hodgepodge lands on the second day of a brand new month. Tell us one thing you're looking forward to in September.

We are headed to the beach for a few days later this month and I desperately need a vacation. I plan to take lots to read and if it is sunny, I’m going to be sitting in a puddle of sunshine while reading. If it rains, I’m going to curl up on a comfy chair or sofa. I hope to take some long walks and have a few cold beverages. Due to covid, we will not be eating in restaurants but I hope to pick up some fresh shrimp one night! 

I cannot believe it is September. I keep thinking we haven’t had summer yet. This pandemic has done a number on my mind.

2. Do you enjoy browsing second-hand shops? Last thing you bought or 'inherited' second hand?

My first thought is that I don’t do second hand but actually, our church usually has a Lil Lambs sale 2 times a year. The sale is for gently used (very good condition) children’s clothing and toys and I have bought quite a few things for my granddaughters at the last two sales. If you sign up to work, you get to shop early so I’ve done that. I bought a pack and play and a bouncy seat for our house and I’ve found some really cute clothes. (due to covid, we aren't having the fall sale)

3. Something you had second thoughts about after committing to, purchasing, or posting/commenting online?

I rarely post anything online that anyone could misconstrue but I did one time – yes, one time! I had been in Walmart and had watched a child throw a temper tantrum and I commented about it on Facebook. A sweet person that is an acquaintance quickly told me that the child might have autism. I think I responded and said, “no, it was just a kid pitching a fit.” Then last year, we took an online class at work about how our church staff & building could be more friendly to those with autism and I realized that the child I saw way back when was probably NOT throwing a temper tantrum but reacting to too much noise and too many outside stimuli . . .and I felt (and still feel) bad about what I posted that day.

4. What's a product or service you use that you'd rate as second to none?

We have an old precor treadmill. I bought it back when our kids were probably in middle school and they are almost 34. It was a “club grade” treadmill and we are still using it almost every day. Just this morning, I was on the treadmill and my husband was on his SECOND HAND (do I get extra points??) airdyne and he said, “we sure have gotten our money’s worth out of that treadmill.” It is truly second to none! We’ve had it worked on 2 times in all of these years.

Also, look at that new garage floor. Southern Grit (love the company name) is owned by one of our neighbors and we had the floor done a few weeks ago -- it is awesome!

5. Something you do so often or that comes so naturally to you it's second nature ?

I can type really quickly and I don’t even know which key is what letter – I’ve typed for so many years that all of the memory is in my fingers. Would that be second nature? 

I also have positivity as one of my top strengths and I think it has become second nature for me to look for the positive in each situation.

6. Insert your own random thought here.

Over the weekend, I blogged for the first time in over a year. I’ve missed writing down some of my thoughts. Now for my totally random thought . . .I was talking to my daughter on the phone yesterday and I said that something (or someone?) was cray cray and she said, “don’t say that anymore. People don’t use that word anymore!” Well dadgum, I had just gotten used to it and it is far nicer than the words I used at the beginning of the pandemic . . .Bat sh*t crazy!