Answering the questions from Wednesday Hodgepodge. Joyce always asks such interesting questions!!
1. It's fall y'all. What's something you love about this season and also something you don't?
I’m going to start with the thing I don’t like – ragweed! We have lots of it in Alabama!
Now, on to things I like about fall in Alabama.
Our weather is usually wonderful! October is normally a fairly dry month with
blue skies and pleasant temps. Mark and I took a drive to the northern part of
our state on Friday and it was perfect weather to be outside!
2. When you think of the colors of fall, which one is your favorite? Is there
somewhere you could easily day trip to see the leaves in all their glory? Will
Orange – not only is it a great fall color, but it is one of the colors for our team – Auburn Tigers! I think we could daytrip back up to North Alabama and see leaves in all their glory! Some years, we have great fall leaves right here in our own town. I don’t know that I will daytrip again this fall but it would be nice!
3. What's one thing you've let 'fall' by the wayside during this season of staying home and staying away? I feel sort of like our friendships have fallen to the wayside and I hate it! We are normally fairly social people and due to covid, social engagements have been few and far between. We’ve invited friends over to sit on our porch for an evening beverage two or three times. Another couple has invited us to come and sit on their porch two different times and that is about it. Normally, we would have dinner out with friends at least once or twice a month and we would be together with our supper club friends once a month.
4. If you're wearing a sweater is it most likely a cardigan, crew neck, v-neck, or zip up hoodie? I am one of the hottest natured people you will ever meet. I own three thin cardigans. I do not even own a crew neck or v-neck sweater and just thinking about wearing one makes me itch!! I love a good soft sweatshirt hoodie!! I actually have one in my office. Sometimes during the summer, the air outside would be so humid that the air conditioner in the office would make it feel sub zero. Some of my co-workers even kept a blanket in their office!
5. What's your secret to dealing with change? Change is hard. I hope someone can share the secret to dealing with it!! We’ve been using the word “pivot” at work – when we are going one way and we can’t continue in that direction due to covid numbers, we pivot. I think we have dealt with so much change over the last six months. One way I have dealt with it is to exercise. I have exercised (stationary recumbent bike and a walk) every single day.
6. Insert your own random thought here.
I mentioned our little day trip last week. We were supposed to be at the beach but that didn’t happen due to Hurricane Sally so on Friday we hopped in the car and drove north. We looked at all of the houses that sat perched on the side of the mountain. We bought lunch at the Wildflower Café and ate on an old-timey concrete picnic table right on the bluff. We went to DeSoto Falls and DeSoto State Park . . .and we drove home and had shrimp tacos for dinner!
One more thing -- our neighborhood goes all out for Halloween. I spotted this on my walk yesterday and actually jumped about a foot -- surely this is a big foot skeleton!!