On Sunday, several of our friends hosted a "Tea" for Lauren - our future daughter-in-law. I understand that in different parts of the country (actually even different towns in Alabama) that parties are not all the same. This was a "Tea" - a come and go affair from 2-4 in the afternoon and people brought gifts. Lauren didn't open the gifts . . there is a hostess in the back who opens the gifts, records the gift and the giver's name and then the gifts are all displayed. The first picture was the table where you signed your name as a guest. In the background is the cute scrapbook that Lauren made and also a really cute "bride" decoration.

Here is the food table. Isn't that centerpiece spectacular? Angela's home is beautiful and she also has the gift of arranging flowers!! See those little cakes that are front and center? Those are baby bites from a local bakery (Pastry Arts). They melt in your mouth. They have caramel ones and red velvet ones and chocolate ones . . .yummy! "Tea" food usually consists of little finger sandwiches (they served two kinds - chicken salad and cream cheese/olive ones), nuts, fruit, a sweet like the baby bites, punch, etc. They served a delicious punch that had almond flavoring in it.

Here are some of the gifts - looks like some fun kitchen stuff!! Lauren is learning to cook so now she will have all sorts of skillets and muffin tins, etc. to use.

Here are some more of the gifts displayed. Her china is at the front on the right - green and gold. When they were registering, Glenn grabbed the "gun" at Bed Bath and Beyond and registered for the deep fryer pictured in the bottom right corner. He was so excited that the
McKays bought it for them.

Look at all of these cute Auburn gifts. Mama and Papa Bear purchased that really cute Auburn lamp for them. They received an ice bucket and picnic basket and two trays . . .such cute Auburn items.

I received a special surprise that day. Our friend, Jan drove down from Nashville. We were all so glad to see her! Here she is with my sweet friend,
Phella. Two beautiful women!!

Lauren also received a special surprise. She knew that one friend from high school (in Georgia) was going to drive over . . .imagine her surprise when not one - BUT THREE friends made the trip to Alabama for her tea.

Our families came . . .this is my sister Glenine on the left (yes, our dad's name was Glenn and they made up the name Glenine - she is the oldest sister) . . then me . . .then Lauren . . then Laura . . .then my great niece, Jennifer. . .we were missing a few - Becky was not able to fly in from Texas and my step-mom, Joann was sick. Several other family members were out of town also. But my Aunt Faye and her daughter, Cindy came and it was so special to have them there also. Laura had on really tall shoes so she is bending down since the rest of us (except Jennifer) are short!!

Here I am with two friends - Ann (who is actually my boss) and Jan (our friend from Nashville).

This picture is great - front row is my niece, Grace and then Lauren and then Lydia and then Aunt Mary. Back row is my sister-in-law,
Rebecca (married to Mark's brother Bill) and then Alice (married to Mark's identical twin brother George - Grace is their daughter) and then me. My mother-in-law is standing next to me and then our sweet girl, Laura. Next is Ashley - she is married to David and then David's mom, Molly and then Nancy (Lydia belongs to Nancy) - this is just a tiny group of the family from Mark's side. We were so thrilled that all of them could come. Mark's family and Aunt Mary's family have always been close and it was great to be together.

Sunday was a wonderful day - this is just a few of the pictures. One of the hostesses, Carolyn, took lots of great photos . . . just thought I would share a few!!
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