Sunday, September 8, 2024

Sunday Stealing

I'm joining up for the weekly questions from Sunday Stealing. Thanks to Bev for stealing the questions every week.

1. What shows are you into? We've been watching several. We are in the last season of Yellowstone. We finished Tracker and are waiting on a new season. We've been watching old 30 Rock -- it is usually the last thing we watch before bed. 

2. What’s your claim to fame? I was the first runner up in the Ironman Ski Queen Beauty Contest a million years ago. I got to ride around in a fancy ski boat with the winner and we waved at all of the people!

3. How often do you play sports? Rarely. I tried to learn to play tennis when I was younger and I was not good at it at all!!

4. Are you early or late? We are almost always early. For work, I'm right on time.

5. What quirks do you have? I'm a bit of a germaphobe. My husband would say I'm a lot of a germaphobe.

6. How often do you people watch? Not often enough hahaha! I love to go to live sporting events to people watch.

7. What’s your favorite drink? Diet Pepsi for the non-alcoholic drink and Margaritas or Moscow Mules for the alcoholic. 

8. What do you hope never changes? My ability to look for the positive -- sometimes it is hard. I hope our granddaughters always love us!

9. What’s your dream car? I drive a really nice car now. I guess my dream car would be a little Mercedes convertible. I did test drive a Mercedes before I bought my current vehicle . . .but not the little one.

10.  Where would you rather be from? I'm ok with where I'm from. 

11. What songs have you competely memorized? I know all of the words to several kids songs and I know the words to some hymns. I don't know if I know all of the words to any other songs or not.

12. What would you rate 10/10 - a day like today where the weather is just right! (I'm writing on Saturday and the sun is shining and the sky is blue and it is not unbearably hot.

13. What job would you be terrible at? I would be terrible at a manual labor job -- like creating roads and interstates.

14. What skill would you like to master? I would like to speak a second language.

15. What movie title best describes your life? I am at camp on a Women's Retreat. Last night we watched Summer Camp -- which was about a 50 year camp reunion. This isn't a reunion, but Summer Camp (since fall hasn't begun) works!


  1. Ironman Ski Queen Beauty - i am humbled in your presence, your highness!

  2. A woman's retreat! How cool is that? I've always wanted to go on a writer's retreat but never have.

  3. I'm a bit of a germaphobe too (he says shuddering). Not ideal during things like Covid pandemics.



