Wednesday, September 11, 2024


I have blogged three days in a row. It's a miracle. Thanks to Joyce for this week's questions. I'd love to hear your answers!!

1. When the Hodgepodge lands on September 11th I want to acknowledge that. Will you purposely pause to remember, pray, or attend any sort of ceremony on 9/11? Share any thoughts or memories you'd like to share about this day. When I see the date "9/11" - I always think of that day. I was at the gym when the first tower went down. Everyone stopped doing whatever they were doing and walked away from their machines. As we stood in front of the TV in silence, the second tower was hit. Just typing those words gives me chills and takes me back to that day. After a few minutes, we all gathered our belongings and went home. I went home and was glued to the TV. I remember picking our kids up from school and we were all in shock. A former member of our church was in the Pentagon that day. He was never able to tell us much, but it had to be terrifying.

2. Growing up, did you spend a lot of time with your grandparents? What's something you learned from a grandparent? My daddy's parents lived in the same town and we saw them fairly often. I remember sitting on their porch on a summer night. We could hear all of the bugs and critters making night noises. My sister and I spent the night with them a few times over the years. My grandpa loved to garden and I still love fresh tomatoes and fresh beans and peas. My granny loved to quilt and cook. I didn't learn either from her, but I love to do both. My mother's mother lived further away. Now that we have interstates, it would have been a much shorter trip. Back then, it seemed like a day's journey. She was so poor. She lived in a tiny house in the woods and she didn't have indoor plumbing. Even though we didn't see her very often, I always felt so loved by her. What did I learn from her? Maybe I learned that even when you are dirt poor, you can still make a child feel very loved.

3. What's your go-to breakfast? My go-to breakfast is a turkey sandwich on keto bread. I sometimes eat Morningstar Farms sausage patties (fake) with a slice of 2% American cheese and a squirt of mustard.

4. Tell us the story behind one of your favorite photos. The photo below was taken by our friend, Halley, in November of 2020. We were still wearing masks. Our daughter's little girl wanted to wear the masks as a hat. This was not the photo we chose for our Christmas card, but I did want to remember.

I also love this one that we found when cleaning out Mark's mom's stuff. It is her with our kids at Halloween -- I don't know exactly how old they were in this picture -- but elementary school aged.

5. This week Friday lands on the 13th. Are you superstitious in any way? Do you like scary movies, and if so what's your favorite? My son says, "We aren't superstitious. We are just a little stitious." I think that is from a movie. I don't think I'm superstitious . . .but sometimes I might say, "don't do that or don't say that." I think it stems back to my childhood. My momma must have said that. When I was young, I watched more scary movies. I remember seeing The Shining and The Omen. I don't know if I could watch them now. I also remember watching Young Frankenstein. It wasn't scary . . .but it made me remember. I also remember watching some of the old Alfred Hitchcock movies . . .shiver!

6. Insert your own random thought here. Mark got his covid booster on Tuesday and I'm going to get mine today since we will be flying on a very long flight soon. We are actually getting covid, flu, and RSV -- all three. Have any of you ever been to Santorini? Did you do an excursion? We've been told that the bus tour isn't that great and I've been trying to find something we would both enjoy.


  1. Man, that line about listening to night sounds really struck me. I love that. I ruminated on the sounds of high summer not too long ago and yesterday I realized that those sounds are gone. Must be transitioning to Fall!

  2. Great family photographs!
    I never saw the movie 'The Omen' but read the book and was bothered long after, thinking that (possibility) might actually exist.
    Yes, years ago Santorini was one of our cruise ship's visits. My son and I actually rode mules to the top.

  3. I haven't been to Santorini but I have had my flu shot in prepping for travel. I am drinking Emergen-C every day too. I wonder what our great great grands will think when they see all the photos from 2020 where everyone is masked? I hope my grands feel completely loved by us too. That's a wonderful thing.

  4. I just got a flu and shingles vax. We are going on a cruise in January. That is nice that you felt loved by your grandparents. I had a great grandmother that I only met a couple of times and felt loved. I had another great grandmother that did not smile. I only remember her visiting once or twice. I like the picture with the mask. We all have a picture like that. We were trying to be safe. I made lots of mask when asked by my daughter's OB dept, and my niece who is in RN. Your vacation sounds so nice and I have only seen Santorini on the travel channel.

  5. I asked my doctor what I can do to avoid covid on my trip to Ohio at the end of the month. I have all the current vaccines. She said to take an iron supplement, vitamin D3, vitamin C, and elderberry for immunity. I've started them all and will also wear a N95 mask at the airport and on the plane. HATE wearing a mask, but I don't want to be sick for my nephew's wedding. Good luck to us both!! I enjoyed your answers - and I had a Granny too.

  6. So many wonderfu memories of your grandparents! I love night sounds too. Have a great week, and a wonderful trip!

  7. I enjoyed your memories with your grandparent. So special. I've never been to santorini
