Sunday, September 22, 2024

Sunday Stealing Questions

I'm joining up with Bev and the gang at Sunday Stealing. Bev steals the questions and we answer them. She stole these from 200 Questions.

1. What popular TV show do you refuse to watch? This is an older show but it seems that everyone has watched it . . . but me. I just can't get into The Office. Maybe I'll try watching some of the episodes again.

2. What pets did you have while growing up? We had cats when I was growing up. We had a big yellow kitty and his name was Tom. Someone ran over him. We had a calico and her name was Missy. She loved to ride in the basket on my bike. I wish I had a picture of that!! Missy had kittens and our neighbor poisoned Missy and her babies. We couldn't prove it, but my parents thought that was what happened.

3. What is the luckiest thing that has happened to you? My husband would say it was the day I met him hahaha! I won a bottle of Pappy van Winkle - that was pretty lucky! Our house burned and I was in it when the fire started. I was safe. Our kitty was safe (bless his heart - I miss him). We were able to rebuild. I feel like that was more than luck.

4. What are some small things that make your day better? An ice cold Diet Pepsi or a kind word or a few words of affirmation always make my day better. 

5. What’s your favorite piece of clothing you own/owned? I'm not sure I have a favorite. I love dresses and have some that I wear all of the time. Do shoes count? I love my Birkenstocks and have several pairs.

6. What’s the most annoying habit other people have? I cannot stand when someone smacks or picks their nose. Another thing that annoys me is when someone is talking and someone else keeps making comments throughout the person's talk.

7. What game or movie universe would you most like to live in? This is similar to a question from last week about living in a fictional place. This isn't a game and I don't think it counts as a universe, but I'm still going with Narnia.

8. What’s the most impressive thing you know how to do? I can type really fast. I can cook in large quantities -- quadruple (or appropriate amount) a recipe to feed 20. 

9. What was the best book or series you’ve read? There are several series I have enjoyed. I love the Miss Fortune series by Jana DeLeon. I've enjoyed the Stephanie Plum series by Janet Evanovich. I've read all of the Agatha Christie books several times. The best books I've read have been Same Kind of Different As Me and American Dirt and a few others. Demon Copperhead was so hard to get through but it was really good in its own way. I loved Remarkably Bright Creatures and I've heard it is being made into a movie!!

10. What state or country do you never want to go back to? I don't know that I feel that strongly in a negative way about anywhere I've been. We drove through Kansas once and it sure was flat and it took us a long time to drive across the state but I would go back. 

11. Where do you usually go when you have time off? We go see our granddaughters or we go to the beach. I'm thinking about taking a couple of days next week to do homework and just stay at home.

12. What amazing thing did you do that no one was around to see? The little boy saw this . . .but last week I was handing a glass of water or lemonade to a boy at church. Somehow it didn't make the connection between my hand and his on our first try but he and I somehow batted that cup around and caught it without a single drop spilling! I wish I had those moments recorded!!

13. What is something you think everyone should do at least once in their lives? I think everyone should fly on an airplane and go visit another country. 

14. What’s something you’ve been meaning to try but just haven’t gotten around to it? Birmingham is a foodie city and there are always new restaurants I want to try. There are several we haven't gotten around to visiting.

15. What is something most people consider a luxury but you don’t think you could live without? Some might consider central air conditioning a luxury but I would not be happy without it. It is hot and humid here in Alabama. I'm thankful for running water and indoor bathrooms and actual toilets, rather than a hole in the floor. I'm thankful for electricity and lights and a bed to sleep in. I would miss all of those if I didn't have them and I do know that some people would consider those things to be luxuries.


  1. Good answers and I agree with #15. Wishing you a great couple of days off to get things done!!

  2. I used to type fast ... 130 wpm on an electric typewriter at my fastest. Now I make so many errors, I'm lucky if my speend wouldbe 50!

  3. great answers!! I also wrote about Narnia!

    I got 100% in high school typing. My husband is faster than me though as he does computer work for his career. I'm pretty fast though. faster on my macbook than i ever was in typing class. Yes I actually took typing in my junior year of hs as 1. i had time to fit it in, and 2. i knew it would be an easy A as i'm a pianist.

  4. Wow, you went back to the basics too on your last answer. I am very glad you were able to get out of the fire safely. My parents' house caught fire in 1989. I think a couple of days to yourself to do homework or whatever you need is a good mental health plan.

  5. Air conditioning, as I get older, is a necessity! One needs to be home and just do STUFF; I'm on the verge of being a homebody.
