Tuesday, September 10, 2024

10 on the 10th

 I haven't joined in for ten on the tenth in a couple of months. Here are the questions - I'll answer below.

1. Mark and I feel very blessed in the friendship department. I have some deep meaningful relationships - some I see often. Some I don't see as often. I have some friends who are more on the periphery - I love them and they love me, but the relationships aren't as deep.

2. Bouquet or flowering bush? I would love to have a cutting garden with something blooming all of the time which would provide fresh flowers year round.

3. We know some folks who have been on the Antarctic cruise. Even with all of the luxuries in the world, I'm not sure I could take waves of 17 feet. I guess I'm going with the beach shack -- could I please have indoor plumbing and air conditioning?

4. I like SOME pumpkin spice. I don't need pumpkin spice everything.

5. I live in a state that has high humidity often. I guess I'm going with warm, sunny day with high humidity. I actually would prefer a 75-80 degree day with sunshine and low humidity. I know it wasn't a choice!

6. I think I would prefer a vintage real fur coat. I couldn't kill an animal for a coat  . . . unless I lived way back when that was my only choice BUT I could enjoy a vintage one. The problem is that it might get cold enough once every two years . . .most of the time a fur coat is too hot.

7. We talked about cars the other day. I actually love the car I drive. It is FILTHY right now from being at camp over the weekend. It would depend on the logo on whether I would pick to drive a car of my dreams . . .with a logo.

8. I would love to vote for the stilettos but at 66 years old, I am probably not going to wear any more stilettos. I love the way they look! I guess I'm voting for the tennis shoes -- I just bought some Hokas.

9. I guess I would choose a small cottage painted in colors I love.

10. I am going with the safe choice on this question -- I will vote for my favorite food every day for a year!


  1. Bengaluru, where I stay, is located at a high altitude. So, the weather is quite salubrious. It's generally on the cooler side. Summer is not as hot as many other cities. But many say that the climate in Bengaluru is not healthy because we don't tend to sweat.

    (My latest post: UK Tour 10 - London city)

  2. That was fun. Have a blessed week!

  3. Yikes I don't think I'd like 17 foot waves either; thankfully we've had pretty calm seas the only two times I've ever been on a cruise. Both times though I was really worried about seasickness.... that would really ruin cruising for me for good.

  4. Oh, I didn't know about 17 foot waves! But, it's not like I'm actually getting an all expense paid cruise anyway! I would love to have a cutting garden. I'm working on that, but I truly have so little real estate to do it. I'm so glad you joined in this month. I hope you'll join us next month!


  5. Seems like a lot of us are thinking along the same lines for these questions. Enjoyed seeing your answers!

  6. Enjoyed your answers. I was in an area yesterday visiting a variety of farm stands and many had cutting gardens and I thought how fun that would be to have in my yard.
