Wednesday, September 4, 2024

It's a Hodgepodge!

1. Something you're working on currently? Our women's retreat is this weekend and I'm on the team so we are working on goodie bags for the rooms, snacks for the movies, etc.

2. Tell us something about your first job? Was it a positive or negative experience for you? Did your parents insist you work while in school (either high school or college) or did you work because you wanted to? My first job was as a babysitter. While in high school, I sat with a few kids from church and for my niece and nephew. I'm not counting that though. I made fifty cents an hour. My next job was as a gift wrapper at Harris Smith Dry Goods store. I wrapped for Christmas and Mother's Day one year and loved it a lot!! I was in high school. My mom died when I was a sophomore and I don't remember which year I worked. My daddy actually encouraged us not to work but to focus on school. He said that we would be working the rest of our lives. My first real grown up job was at South Central Bell. I started the morning after I graduated from high school. I was a stenographer for several years and then the Area Vice President had me promoted to his assistant. I was 23 years old and was the youngest person ever promoted to that level. I also skipped a level which led to people assuming I was sleeping with the boss. I wasn't. A couple of years later, South Central Bell offered to pay college tuition if you were taking classes that would help with your job. I started taking classes at UAB and then at Jefferson State. I didn't finish hence the reason I'm in school at age 66. 

3. Have you ever had a job that required overnight travel? How did you feel about that? Have you ever had a job that required you to wear a uniform? Do you work better in the morning or at night? When I worked for AT&T (after divestiture, South Central Bell became American Bell for just a few months and then we became AT&T), I traveled several different times. I taught a training class in Jackson, MS. I went on several office work/fun trips. I really enjoyed traveling. I don't have to travel now BUT I get to - I've been to Israel four times, Austria, Germany, Italy, and we are headed to Turkey, Egypt, and Greece this fall. I do a lot of the pre-trip work. I LOVE IT. I've never had a job where I had to wear a uniform. I work much better in the morning. That is one of the reasons I get up early every day.

4. What's something you bake or cook that is labor intensive? Is it worth it? Mark's mother's recipe for German Chocolate Cake is divine but takes a while! It is totally worth it. Cheese straws also require a little time and they are definitely worth it.

5. One thing you're looking forward to in the month of September? Our Women's Retreat is this weekend. Our Staff Retreat is the last day of the month and the first day of September. We will hang out with friends some  - supper club and out to eat supper club. So sorry -- that was way more than one!!

6. Insert your own random thought here. We have a fun wedding to attend this month. We helped host a couple of parties for the bride and groom. Since I'm a relative, I've been invited to the Bridesmaids luncheon. One of our nephews is engaged and our niece is engaged so we will have a couple more weddings between now and June. Fun times.


  1. Oh, I hope your womens retreat goes well! I love a womens retreat and a goodie bag makes it even better :). It sounds like you have a wonderful trip this fall! Have a great day!

  2. Hope the retreat goes well. One of these days I will have to look into making cheese straws.

  3. Your fall trip sounds fabulous! I hope your retreat goes well. I've made cheese straws and would agree they are time consuming so I don't do them often. We have a fall wedding to attend this year too and I'm looking forward to that. Have a great day!

  4. Haven´t made cheese straws since high school- they sure were good! You have been to some amazing places! All the upcoming weddings sound really nice. I hope all goes well with your travels and adventures :).

  5. I used to be a part of our Women's Ministry team and we put on a lot of retreats. How nice that you have been able to travel so much. That cake looks yummy! Now I want some chocolate!

  6. Your German chocolate cake caught my eye. Oh my. Wish I lived closer...
    My mom worked at Ohio Bell in her younger days. When Dad and she moved to California and started a family, she was a housewife. Then, after my sister graduated from high school (1977), she petitioned whoever owned Bell Company at the time and was able to work at ATT at the same level she was at back in the early 1950s. Those early years counted toward her retirement. She retired from Lucent Technologies, which was ATT.
    How fun your women's retreat will be! I used to attend one every year. Now, they tend to do day retreats or day workshops, possibly because things are expensive and no one was signing up.

  7. Enjoyed your answers. Hope you had fun at your retreat. I'm late commenting. Ive made my FIL a german chocolate cake and because I don't like coconut didn't taste anything. Thankfully it turned out but it did take awhile
