Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Cuppa Hodgepodge

I'm joining up with Joyce and friends for the weekly hodgepodge. Thanks to Joyce for the questions. I can't wait to read everyone's answers.

1. Something that's had you 'chuffed to bits' recently? So I googled "chuffed to bits" because I had no idea what it meant! I was suprised to learn it meant pleased! I would have guessed the opposite. What  have I been "chuffed to bits" about recently? Hmmmmm . . .I had a great WW weigh in on Saturday (WW was formerly Weight Watchers). I've had a hard time getting the scale to move lately.

2. Tell us about an instance recently where you were tempted to 'throw a wobbly' (expression used to describe tantrums thrown, usually by adults or people who should know better). Let me begin this by saying I'm very tired and when I'm tired, my feelings get hurt. Does anyone else have that problem? Two times in the last two weeks I've had my feelings hurt. As a 66 year old, it would not look very nice for me to pitch a big old dramatic fit about having my feelings hurt, but I sort of felt like it. As I've aged, I have found that I can self-talk . . .and remind myself of all sorts of things and move on. My family can tell you some stories of some tantrums I've thrown over my lifetime - even as an adult - even as a mother. Some are funny now . . .but some are not. I am ashamed that I've not always controlled my emotions.

3. Something everyone seems to love but is not your 'cuppa tea'? I'm actually not that fond of hot tea nor of coffee. I want to like both, but don't. I went back through my blog posts because I remembered that we used to have "tea" at work. We would bring little snacks and have hot tea (they did - I tried). When we flew into Ireland, it was a cool and drizzly day. I did have a "cuppa" on the little tour boat.

4. Fish and chips, bangers and mash, shepherd's pie, roast beef with Yorkshire pudding...which entree would you choose? Yes, you have to choose. I would choose either shepherd's pie or roast beef. Mark would choose fish and chips - hands down!

5. Something you want for your birthday this year? My birthday doesn't come back around until June. I have no idea! We had to dispose of most of our beach towels after Harvey's last day of life . . .so maybe I need new beach towels. We've almost stopped giving gifts all together in our family. Our kids say we all have all we want and need. Logically, I know they are probably correct but sometimes it is fun to get a gift!!

6. Insert your own random thought here. We are getting closer and closer to our departure date. I ordered a few new things - a new t-shirt, some new underwear (TMI?). We actually went to the Salvation Army store last Friday. That is out of the norm for us. There is a White Night on the boat. I actually found a pair of white capri pants and I have a cute white blouse from Talbots that I can pair with the pants. Mark found a tux shirt - of course, he bought it! He may wear it with shorts.


  1. Having an actual British tea with my daughter today, so maybe my best birthday ever : ) My scale is stubborn too. I'm also emotional and do a pretty good job of holding it in, but privately is another story. Have a great day!

  2. I feel you on the scale. We have adjusted some of our habits lately but I won't get on the scale until I think it's working. Good luck with it!

  3. I feel you on the last sentence that you wrote about controlling your emotions. That is me is well! Your upcoming trip sounds like it will be a blast. How fun to prepare for it!

  4. Hello, sending hugs and prayers for your upcoming trip. :-)

  5. We are both heading out soon. I've purchased a few new things, too. It's so fun!! Safe travels to you and yours!
