Sunday, August 25, 2024

When was the last time Sunday Stealing?

I'm joining up with the thieves from Sunday Stealing. I still haven't figured out how I answered this week's questions last week . . .so, I'm going to answer last week's questions . . .this week.


1 - Handwrote a letter to a friend? Do thank you notes count? If so, I wrote a couple last week. I haven't written a full blown letter in a long time.

2 - Cried? I cried buckets when we had to have Harvey put down a couple of weeks ago. My eyes still fill up with water when I think about it.

My friend texted to check on me and
I sent her this photo - my eyes
were swollen from crying
many tears.

3 - Fell over? About a month ago I was walking QUICKLY down the hall toward our chapel to set up for a baptism. I felt the toe of my sandal catch and I knew a fall was coming! I broke the fall with my knees and arms and was just a tad bruised. I hopped up and looked around to make sure no one saw me.

4 - Bought a present for someone? Mark's birthday was Wednesday and I bought a present for him.

5 - Had a pajama day? I have to be really sick or recovering from surgery to stay in pajamas all day. I just don't enjoy doing so.

6 - Watched a movie that you wouldn't have gone to the cinema to see? I rarely go to the movie theater so everything I've watched has been right here.

7 - Stayed up all night? Oh goodness . . .I haven't stayed up all night in many years.

8 - Bought something on eBay? I bought a text book on eBay last year and I bought an antique cookie press.

9 - Colored in a coloring book? I love coloring with the granddaughters. I colored with #2 a few weeks ago. I may have kept coloring even after she moved on.

10 - Told someone you love them? The last thing we do before going to sleep is say "I love you."

11 - Kissed someone? I kissed my hubby!

12 - Went to the doctors? I've been to the Dermatologist several times lately for this cancer on my ear. He didn't get it all so I have to go back on November 8.

13 - You traveled by train? We rode the trains a lot when we were in Austria. We don't have subways where we live. Our mass transit is almost non-existent. We enjoyed traveling around by train. Having our friend, Dave, who speaks German, with us helped a lot!

train station was about a mile from our small
family owned hotel. It was downhill to the station,
but after a day of walking everywhere . . .that
mile uphill was tough.

14 - Screamed because you were scared? We had a thunderstorm a few weeks ago with LOUD thunder and BRIGHT lightning. I screamed. I still have some PTSD.

15 - Visited your hometown? It has been a while. It is only about 30 minutes or so from where I live now, BUT it is so depressing. The community has gone down and is not very safe anymore. It was like Mayberry when I was growing up!

16 - Went on vacation? We went to the beach last October. 

The lighting is horrible in this photo. We were at
an outdoor restaurant - The Gulf.

We still had just two granddaughters . . .
but one was on the way! Laura
shared their surprise that 

17 - Finished reading a book? I finish a book and then I begin reading the next one. I'm reading a light mystery right now . . .in addition to my American History. 

18 - Went to a church service? I work in a church. I'm there all of the time. For those of us who work on Sunday mornings, we have chapel once a week. Chapel and staff meetings are on Tuesdays.

19 - Wore a hat? I'll be wearing a hat when outside from now on. The last time I wore it was at our Party in the Lot a week or so ago. I also have my neck fan/air conditioner going full blast.

20 - Turned off your mobile phone? I turn it off every once in a while if it starts acting up. I turn my ringer off quite often but rarely turn my phone all the way off.


  1. Mass transit is SO civilized. Sorry about your traumas (falling, lightning storm). I did BOTH questions last week, one on Friday and the other, quickly, on Sunday morning when I saw they have changed, all on one long post!

    1. It would be nice to have mass transit! We have some buses that run downtown but that is all.

  2. I stopped doing Sunday Stealing but still enjoy reading the answers others post. So sorry and sad for your loss of Harvey. It is devastating to make those decisions and lose a sweet pet. Great photos! xo

    1. Thanks! I've been a tad surprised at how hard I'm grieving for him. I think I'm probably grieving my sweet mother-in-law who died in June, too.

  3. I don't know what happened to the questions, but we got 'er done, I suppose. I am sorry your hometown has gone downhill.

    1. My hometown would be a great place to revitalize -- it would be a short commute for those working downtown.

  4. I think it's sad when your hometown goes downhill. The mom of one of my daughter's friends mentioned that she grew up in Chattanooga and it went through a dark time and all her family ended up moving because of it. I guess it's coming back around now though.
