Wednesday, August 21, 2024


I'm joining up with the Wednesday Hodgepodge Crew!

1. What's the last thing you completely overreacted to? This is not the last thing, but it is possibly the funniest thing. Years ago, before our new office was built, our offices were located in the oldest part of the building. We had a “church mouse/mice” problem. One day I was working and a mouse literally ran across my desk . . .WHILE I WAS SITTING THERE. I ran screaming from my office. One of our maintenance staff, who has special needs, said in this accusatory voice, “you are completely overreacting to this mouse.” It isn’t as funny when I type it . . .but it was and is actually funny. When I was rearranging my office one day, I moved a small two drawer chest and there was a skeleton of a smushed flat mouse under that piece of furniture!

2. Your top five snacks? Premium Saltine Minis, Built Bars, Think Peanut Butter pie bars, fresh fruit like bananas, cherries, grapes, Ritz Peanut Butter Crackers

3. What smell always brings back some type of memory? Elaborate. If I were to smell Old Spice, I would think of my daddy. If I were to smell Coty Loose Face Powder, I would think of my mother.

4. What's something you learned from the last book you read? I’m reading a book by James Patterson right now – The 24th Hour. I’m not sure what I’ve learned . . . A group of people are cyber attacking a hospital and lives are at stake . . .along with a trial about a girl with multiple personalities. Before that, I read Volcano Violence – a light mystery. I’m also reading Give Me Liberty for American History . . .I’m learning about the Revolution!

5. What's the next thing on your to-buy list? Will you make that purchase before the end of the year? Hmmmm . . .I’m not sure. I probably need to buy a few things for our trip in October. In September, I’ll begin purchasing ginormous bags of Halloween candy for our 1200 trick or treaters. I actually have to buy s’more supplies for our Women’s Retreat. All of these things will be purchased before year end. I just bought new shocks for my car last week -- over $1,000. 

6. Insert your own random thought here. Mark and I played checkers on a board he brought home from his mom’s house. When we finished, I flipped it over and it was made in Sweden! Also, Mark and his sister are doing a great job of working on their mom’s house.


  1. That picture of the mouse skeleton is something- have never seen a picture of that before. I don´t think you overreacted at all when you saw a live mouse skittering across your desk. I didn´t think of face powder or make up, but now that I think about it, my grandma used a distinct smelling powder. If I were to smell it today, it would remind me of her. Have a great day!

    1. can you imagine my surprise when we moved that piece of furniture and that skeleton was there??

  2. I wouldn't say you overreacted. Your story reminded me of a time hubs was on the very high ladder looking at something in the can light and I was holding the ladder. A bat flew out, straight down, right at me. Definitely overreacted lol. I am shopping for our trip in September as well. That's a whole 'nother list. I have not read many books on the Revolutionary War, so might have to look for some historical fiction there.

    1. I definitely would have overreacted if a bat flew at me!

  3. Mice is the theme for me today, as there's currently an AC guy replacing wiring in our mini unit because a couple years ago, a mouse chewed through all the wires and hosing. We know because we saw it sitting on top of it one day! That was probably 2 years ago and we are just now fixing it. It's really only for this one room downstairs but the guy said if we ran this more, we could cut down on the main unit running downstairs as much and focus it upstairs.

    1. It is amazing what they will chew through!!

  4. Yikes on that mouse! I remember years ago when a mouse ran across a co-workers foot -- not 15 minutes after our maintenance man scoffed, "There ain't no mice on this floor."

    1. I'll bet that co-worker wanted to say, "See! You were wrong!" to the maintenance man!!

  5. OH MY... that mouse story and that mouse!!!
    Spiders are my fear!!! ;-)
    Happy Hodgepodge!

  6. Old Spice would remind me of my dad, too. 1200 trick or treaters, wow!

    1. Everytime I've thought of Old Spice today, I've thought of my daddy!! Yes, 1200 trick or treaters!

  7. I would probably be a little crazy if that mouse was near me. That is a good picture of the skeleton. I like you snacks. My dad liked reading James Patterson. My granddaughter was learning about the Revolution when school shut down for Covid. So I watched some of her online lessons. Then they showed Hamilton on the Disney+ and it was interesting to watch the musical about the Revolution.

  8. That is certainly a lot of work for your hubby and his sister to clear out their mom's house! When I read things like that I think about my kids and what they will encounter here and it makes me want to get rid of more stuff. Those are sweet aroma memories of your folks. I can't imaging how loud I'd scream and probably fall off my desk chair is a mouse rain across it. Thank you for visiting my Hodgepodge and for leaving a comment. I appreciate it. Happy end of week to you.

  9. It's strange that some smells bring us back memories of people or places !
