Sunday, August 11, 2024

Sunday Stealing!

I am joining up with Bev and the other Sunday thieves. She stole these questions from Swap Bot. I have loaded up photos for at least two more posts . . . I just need to sit down and write!

1. I am looking forward to ... catching a breath! From now through September 8, I have a whirlwind work schedule. We will hopefully have a few weeks that are at a regular pace. Actually, our regular pace is busier than most people, but I love it. I'm also looking forward to our cruise in October, but I've mentioned it so many times that I know everyone is tired of hearing it :-).

2. Least favorite words: My first response is that I don't like the word "no." haha! I've always liked to get my way. Hopefully, I've matured some regarding that. If you asked Mark, he would probably say I haven't. I also do not like the word moist.

3. If I ruled the world: I don't want to rule the world. Oh my goodness. What a job that would be!!

4. Favorite websites and blogs: I love all of the blogs that I visit regularly and I love when folks visit mine and leave comments. I got behind on commenting a week or so ago, and I missed "talking" with y'all.

5. Things I do for myself: I do most things for myself, don't you?

6. Weekly rituals: I wouldn't call any of these an actual ritual, but we go to church every week. We host young adults every week. I get allergy shots every week. 

7. DIYs I want to try: I bought a couple of bamboo wooden plate racks because I saw where someone hung one on the wall and used it for books. I think this is one of those things that looked cuter on line, so I don't even know if I will try it. I'll have to find another use for those plate racks.

8. On my shopping list: 2 birthday cards, motrin, keto bread

9. Places to see in your town: Vulcan is pretty cool. We have a nice zoo and a nice botanical gardens.

10.Road trip must-haves: Dramamine!!

11. Guilty pleasures: No sugar added fudge pops or Alyssa's no sugar added oatmeal cookies are good treats, but I guess a really good guilty pleasure would be a frozen margarita.

12. Things I'd rather be doing right now: I'm writing this on Saturday morning and it feels good to sit down for a second. Once our day starts, we are on the run. I guess that means I don't have anything I'd rather be doing . . .but wait . . .maybe I'd rather be traveling or sitting on the beach.

13. Books I'd like to read this year: I don't have any specifics picked out but I LOVE to read.

14. Lessons learned: Hopefully, I've learned more than I can count! An important one for me is to Love God and Love People!!

15. Vacations to take: We want to travel as much as possible over the coming years. We want to go to Scotland and Sweden and Denmark . . .and more!

Extra question:   Olympic events I like to watch or follow: We've watched a lot of gymnastics. I enjoy the water sports - swimming, diving, artistic swimming, kayaking! Mark has enjoyed the weight lifters and kayakers and more..


  1. Actually, I think some of us do things for others, ostensibly to also help ourselves. I've got to say NO more often.

    1. I think you are correct. There are certain people in my life where it is almost impossible for me to reply with a "no."

  2. Quite a few people don't like "moist". I don't think it's that bad.

    I've never actually been to Sweden - but it is on the list. Denmark is lovely. And Scotland, once you get out of the cities, is wonderful.




    1. I've actually chuckled at how many people agreed with my word choice. Have a great week!

  3. Take those trips and don't put them off!
