Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Lydia's Tea/Bridal Shower

Oh What Fun!!
Saturday, August 3, from 2:00-4:00, we celebrated one of the sweetest folks ever.
Lydia is Mark's first cousin once removed (or something like that!). Nancy and Mark were first cousins and Lydia is one of Nancy's daughters. Nancy and Mark were more than first cousins. They lived down the street from each other and their families spent lots of hours together. I was blessed to have Nancy as one of my best friends. She actually introduced Mark and me! She died of breast cancer about 10 years ago.

The flowers and decorations were all beautiful. Each hostess provided different things -- from napkins to cheese straws (me!) to punch to petit fours to fruit to flowers . . .

The party was held at another friend's beautiful home!

Lydia's sister found this vintage purse for her. It was so cute!

We have found that ladies aren't eating much at these parties. We've started serving fewer items. We served nuts, cheese straws, fresh fruit, petit fours and punch and water with lemons.

The gifts were displayed on the dining room table. I love those Beatriz Ball platters - they are aluminum, but FDA approved, and they look similar to silver but don't have to be polished.


We had a fun time celebrating Lydia!!

What kind of parties and showers are held for brides in your town/neighborhood/group of friends? I love hearing how different areas of the country celebrate!



  1. What a beautiful array! You're so right about refreshments. At my granddaughter's baby shower Sunday afternoon there was so much food leftover.

    PS - I'm so very sorry for your heartbreak, losing Harvey. 😿

    1. Baby Showers are fun!! Thank you for your kind thoughts.

  2. It looks like it was a lovely shower/celebration! I don't like showers so usually have something else planned, though I always give a gift. Best wishes to the bride!! Thanks for sharing the fun with us. Interesting about the food. Your tables of goodies look very inviting!

  3. I haven´t been to too many showers recently. My kids are young adults now and soon their friends will likely get engaged and I will be invited to showers. I have read that there are regional customs with showers and I, too, am curious about different ways showers are done. Lydia´s shower looks so nice! I´m sure the bride to be felt special. Without her mom, this whole season must be bittersweet. She is fortunate to have many caring ladies in her life.
