Saturday, August 17, 2024

Just a couple of silly things . . .

 Once again, I am woefully behind on posts. One morning I wore my new wild pink dress to work. As I was leaving, Mark started to say something . . . but caught himself. When I got to work, I was telling my friend Laura about it. She said, "look at my pants." So we took a picture together and she texted it to Mark and said we were dressing in wild clothes that day! It is so great to work with friends.

A couple of weeks ago, one of our Tuesday night bakers made her famous Chocolate Chocolate Chip Pound Cake. When she dropped it by my office, it was fresh out of the oven and it smelled so good.

August is one of our busiest times as a church. Everything ramps back up and when people get back into their school routines, they come back to church. The first week of August, we made gift bags for every teacher/educator/school administrative workers, etc. It was fun putting them together. It was an individual serving of caramel and a pretty apple tied in a clear bag with cute ribbon. The gift tag said "you are awesome to the core."


  1. How CUTE is that apple and wrapping! I just know the recipients were so blessed by your gifts! Thanks for sharing!

    1. Our pastors (in each service) called all of them to the front of the sanctuary and prayed over them. The pastors, and other helpers, handed out the apples. This was our first time to do it, and so many have asked us to make it a tradition!.
