Wednesday, August 28, 2024


Hey friends! It is Wednesday, so it must be Hodgepodge time! Thank you to Joyce at From This Side of the Pond for our questions every week!! I would love to hear your answers. I'm really looking forward to reading all of the responses to question number one.

1. What is one cliche you think is nonsense? Everything happens for a reason. No, it doesn't always. Humans have freewill to make decisions and sometimes humans make incorrect decisions. As a Christian, I do believe that God can work good through all situations BUT I don't think everything happens for a reason. Another one that isn't always true is "if you work hard, you will succeed." I guess that depends on how you define success. We've seen some people work so hard, but never get ahead. What's one you think holds truth? You can't judge a book by its cover. I definitely think this is true and I am SO GUILTY of judging people by appearance. Almost every time, it comes back to me and I realize I was sooo wrong!

2. What's the last thing you broke and how did it happen? My sweet daughter-in-law dropped something at my mother-in-law's house the other day and it shattered. It was one of the millions of things Mark and his sister have found deep inside cabinets and closets. I didn't break it, but I was standing right there. I'm trying to think what I've broken lately . . .

3. Are you a fan of s'mores? Have you had a s'more this summer? Last thing you ate that you wanted to ask for 's'more of'? I don't eat sweets, so I haven't had one this year, but I do think s'mores are yummy. As a matter of fact, I have the supplies to make 100 s'mores kits for an upcoming event. Everything is in a giant box in my bedroom floor. It was on the dining room table, but we use the dining room table on Tuesday nights. I'm trying to think what I wanted s'more of . . .have you tried Lesser Evil popcorn? I bought some over the weekend and I did want s'more of that!

4. A mode of transportation you've never tried? Will you someday? This is a great question. I've never traveled in a Rickshaw nor a pedicab. My mom always said, "never say never," so who knows? I might ride in one someday.

5. Believe it or not, next week's Hodgepodge lands in a brand new month. What's your happiest memory from the month we're bidding adieu? Oh my goodness! The months are flying by. August was hard because we had to have Harvey put down, but there was still joy. We ate with friends several times. We had the back to school carnival (Party in the Lot) at church. Also, as Mark and Susie continue to clean out their mother's belongings, they keep finding treasures. Here is Uncle John (Mark's uncle . . .but he became mine, too) holding Glenn on the day of Glenn and Laura's baptism. He was such a fine man.

Here I am -- so young (the month before my 29th birthday) and with my original dark hair! I still love a good pearl earring!

A friend brought fresh silver queen corn to us and Mark cooked halibut from Alaska.

Mark celebrated a birthday and I made a blackberry cobbler using blackberries that Glenn picked. Our family likes lots of fruit in the cobbler. This is 11 cups of blackberries!!

6. Insert your own random thought here. I mentioned treasures. Mark brought these glasses home -- the ones with gold rims. We are going to use the water goblets for wine glasses and the champagne/sherbets for drinks like Cosmopolitans. I searched on Replacements and the pattern is by Minton and the glasses are HAND BLOWN. The replacements aren't that expensive but we have 12 waters and 11 champagne/sherbets. I may order another champagne. We have one small glass plate and I ended up putting it on the bar under a bottle of bourbon. The pattern was new in 1930. Mark's mom had so many china patterns -- full sets. Some of the granddaughters are taking a set of china. Our daughter is getting the set below and it is beautiful.

I told y'all about the print we had framed for our bathroom. You can scroll down this post and see the print. I wish I had thought to photographer the other things we've brought home. 


  1. Those glasses are amazing! And several full sets of china? I am swooning! I´m glad that family members are taking some of the items. We received some beautiful glasses with an R etched in them from my husband´s grandma. I love them! Your cobbler looks and sounds good- so much fruit! Have a great Wednesday!

    1. My mother-in-law said that when she married, you registered for everyday china, "in-between" china, and fine china! She then inherited at least two more sets of china and almost all of the sets are place settings for 12.

  2. Oh I love the glasses! They are beautiful! It's so nice family can take the china. So many young moms now don't want that sort of thing. My oldest daughter took my grandmother's china when my mom moved out of her house (she had it after my grandma died) and it made my mother so happy to know it had a new home. Thrift stores don't want china anymore it seems. On another note...sometimes when I see a picture of myself with my girls as babies I'm shocked by my dark hair lol. I forget I'm a brunette. Have a great day!

    1. You are correct - so many of the young brides don't register for fine china anymore. I don't use mine often, but I do love using it sometimes!! I showed the dark haired picture of me to a younger co-worker and she said, "What? You aren't naturally blonde??" She honestly had no idea!

  3. Those glasses are exquisite! (As ever), your photos are making me hungry; I've not had a good halibut in too long. I'm going to check out that popcorn!

  4. Thank you; I so agree with your answer No. 1. So true.

    God bless.

    1. Thanks so much for visiting and commenting. I hope you have a great weekend!!

  5. I love those glasses. I always say why not drink from a pretty glass! Sweet photos of days gone by. Nice selection of booze! I'm glad there are family members that want those sets of dishes! That is a fine looking cobbler. Hope you have a great Labor Day Weekend!

    1. I hope you have a great Labor Day Weekend, too. As of now, we have ZERO plans which is a very rare thing.

  6. My mom had glasses that and I think my brother inherited them. I got her Lladro swans. That blackberry cobbler looks so good! I just got some blackberry's. That corn looks really good too! Have a great weekend!

    1. I hope you enjoy your blackberries! Are you going to make a cobbler or just enjoy eating them plain?

  7. Those glasses are beautiful. Too many young people don't want that sort of me! Your food pics!! look so yummy!

  8. The glassware is beautiful and how great that you can complete 10 flutes!! Your cobbler looks delicious and so does that corn on the cob! Another fun Hodgepodge!!

    1. I need to go ahead and order that extra champagne/sherbet glass!!

  9. I like to say that everything happens for a reason, but sometimes the reason is that you did something stupid. LOL That said, I do agree with you on the cliches! Looks like a real treasure trove of photos and china and more. Those glasses are lovely. Hope you have a great week, and a great long weekend!

    1. It has been fun to see the treasures that Mark and his sister have uncovered. They've worked together several days every week cleaning out and packing up. She had lived in that house for 58 years!!

  10. Rickshaw! That's a good one. Beautiful glasses.
