Sunday, August 18, 2024

Sunday Stealing

I am joining up with Sunday Stealing Community to answer these prompts.

Reveal yourself in 24 easy steps

I am not . . .thin. I wish I were thin, but lately life has interfered with my mindset.

I hurt . . . when I see others being mean to their children – not just disciplining them, but using inappropriate words and I hurt when I see injustice in this world.

I love . . . my family and friends and our church and our community.

I hate . . .actually, I try not to hate people even though there are some I extremely dislike. I hate when I see racism in myself (I don’t want to be a racist – EVER). I HATE when I realize I have hurt someone with my words.

I fear . . .I immediately thought of the scripture, “I will fear no evil, for thou art with me.”

I hope . . .our world will be a better world by the time our granddaughters grow up.

I regret . . .anytime I haven’t been my very best me.

I cry . . .rarely, because when I do, I cry a lot and I’m an ugly crier. I’ve had two HUGE cries over the last three weeks and they have both been brought on by the health and subsequent death of our sweet Harvey – the best kitty boy ever.

I care deeply about many things.

I always. . .push the cart back to the “return carts here.” I almost typed return the “buggie” because that is what many people in Alabama call it.

I long . . .for a day where there is truly peace on earth. I doubt it will come in my lifetime.

I listen . . .well . . .to most people. I’m really bad at not listening well to Mark. I need to work on that.

I hide . . .how I really feel sometimes BUT my face usually gives me away.

I write . . . like I think. I jump from one thing to the next.

I miss . . .sweet Harvey and my mother-in-law. My parents have been dead for so many years, but I miss having parents who kept our stories alive and gave us advice – even if we didn’t want it.

I search . . .for the Holy Grail. Just kidding. I felt like some of my answers have been dark today, so I thought I would throw in a funny.

I learn . . .something new almost every day. I love to learn new things.

I feel . . .depressed and sad. I’m still grieving. The other day I was talking with a co-worker and I named all of the things that have happened since June of 2021. . .it has been a lot. Yes, I’ve seen a counselor and yes, I’m on meds. Some of this will pass. Exercise helps, too.

I know . . .that Jesus loves me. As the song goes, “Jesus loves me this I know.” I know that some of my readers aren’t believers. I hope I haven’t offended you but I do believe this.

I want . . .?? I’m not sure. I want to be a better person. I want to lose weight. I want to travel more.

I worry . . .about what others think of me. I know that is ridiculous.

I wish . . .upon a star?

I have . . . enough. We have a lovely home and plenty of food. We are surrounded by family and friends. We have three gorgeous granddaughters.

I give . . .generously, when possible.

I wait . . .for these feelings of grief to subside. I know they will never go totally away.

I need . . .for very little (see enough above). I sometimes feel like I need more time.


  1. This will be an interesting week. You answered the questions I answered. Then they changed, which I answered briefly. I like these better. I relate to LOTS of your answers but especially I hate and I fear

    1. I was so glad that you and one other had answered the same questions I answered. I thought I was losing my mind! Thanks for commenting.

  2. I like your answers. And while some of your readers may not believe in God as you do (and I know I am one of them), I do not take offense at the beliefs of others. If I do, it is up to me to stop reading and move on. This is your blog and your space, and I hope you always feel like you can write whatever you wish.

    1. Thanks for the encouragement to write as a I wish!!

  3. Thoughtful answers shared here. Interesting. I'm so very sorry for the loss of your sweet Harvey. It does hurt. Blessings wished for you!

  4. Ok...i love your answers but my set were vastly different. hahaha Do they change depending on the time of day, i wonder??

    1. I have no idea. I've been participating in Sunday Stealing for quite some time and I don't think the questions have ever changed before.
