Sunday, March 31, 2024

Sunday Stealing . . .Easter recap to come later!

1. Do you believe in the unknown and Mystics? I definitely believe there are “unknowns” in my life, in the lives of others, and in the world . . .in the universe. Christian mysticism is probably not what y’all are asking about.

2. How do you tell time? Do you use a watch or your phone and why? It depends on where I am when I need to know the time. I use my apple watch, my phone, my ovens, my computer.

3. How do you stay cool in the summer? I live in Alabama. Everyone in Alabama should have central air conditioning. We need it. We also wear lots of cotton and other breathable fabrics.

4. Egg yolk or white? I’m not a huge egg eater but I do love a good deviled egg and that includes both yolk and white.

5. What is your current on-repeat song? Last week, my daughter introduced me to “To the Table” by Zach Williams. I’ve listed to it multiple times.

6. What is your favorite sound in the world? Very few things compare with the sound of a baby’s belly laugh!

7. What's the must-have-items in your bag? Let’s see . . .my wallet, my phone, a couple of prescriptions, some tylenol/motrin, a lipstick . . .when we travel, there is usually Dramamine, too.

8. When you're dressing up, which one you put on first: pants or tops? I have no idea. I don’t know if I dress in the same order each time or not. I think I put my shirt on first . . .but who knows?

9. what is the one thing you wish you could take back? There are quite a few things I’ve said over the years that I wish I could take back!

10. what is your pet peeve? I’ve answered this one recently . . .I hate to see people picking their nose! I hate to see a man (or sometimes a woman) adjusting themselves. Bad drivers annoy me.

11. have you ever been ashamed after buying something frivolous? what? I possibly have but I sure can’t remember what or when or why I purchased.

12. what dessert would you eat even if you were beyond full? I don’t eat dessert anymore if it contains sugar . . .which most desserts do. I do love fresh fruit – especially if someone else has cut it up!

13. sweet or spicy? I think my choice would be salty. I know it wasn’t a choice but I’m adding it.

14. Which website do you visit most often? Jefferson State Community College, Trinity Birmingham (our church), Google . . .

15. Which countries/states have you visited and which one did you like the most? Let me just tell you that right now, there is no place more beautiful than the city where I live. Spring is in full force. Trees are budding and flowers are blooming. Along with that comes pollen. The air is almost yellow! In the southeastern U.S., most people are nice. We speak to people on the street. We greet total strangers on elevators. I do think Ireland is beautiful and all of the people were so very nice. Austria is beautiful, too. We’ve been to Germany and Italy and Israel and they all have beautiful spots, too.


  1. Most places in the world have a beauty unique to that spot, I think.

    1. I've also noticed that many places have a different smell, in addition to unique beauty. We were in Red Rock Canyon years ago and I told Mark that I felt like we were on a ride at Disney World and they were piping in the scent. It was such a different and lovely scent!

  2. We were coming home on Good Friday, and this car making a left turn almost hit the pederstrian who had the right of way and practically drove into us to avoid the walker! What an idiot.

    1. People have lost their mind regarding driving! It is truly like they stop thinking at times!!

  3. #6. I used to tickle my two lads when they were babies to make them laugh - I loved it.

    I'm a fan of fresh fruit too - just had some in fact.



