Wednesday, March 13, 2024

Find Your People Hodgepodge

I can't believe we are halfway through another week. I'm joining up with Joyce and friends for the Wednesday Hodgepodge.

1. Thursday is National Pi Day...are you good at math? What was the last thing you had to calculate? Did you use your head or technology? Last slice of pie you ate? My math skills are ok. I can do what I need to do. I always made A's in Math when I was growing up. I feel like Mark and I have calculated a lot lately - how much a trip is going to cost and how much would the "over and aboves" cost on our house. I also keep a running total on my grade point average. Mark is a CPA by education and was a CFO for years and years so he has always done far more math than I do! I do a lot of "scribble" math but sometimes I use the calculator on my phone. When I was taking BIO 102 last semester, I learned to use the square root function on my phone calculator and that came in very handy!! I haven't had a piece of dessert pie in several years BUT I recently made Chicken Pot Pie and I had a piece (not slice) of it!

2. What makes a house a home?  I could write a lot on this one. A home is made sometimes by those with whom you share the house. Even if you live alone, friends and family can visit. Laughter makes a home. Love for all makes a home. In our house, having Christ in our lives and in our home makes it a home. Using our house for things bigger than us (like Tuesday nights) makes it a home. I'm looking forward to reading everyone's answers for this question!

3. Your current favorite green thing? I just wrote a post yesterday about 10 green things. You can check it out here. I started my favorite green things list with money but someone reminded me that we rarely have cash these days!

4. How do you define achievement? How does your personal definition look similar to, or different than, society's definition? What's something you think is worth achieving in life? I'm going to answer these questions in a different way and I'm lumping them all together. Erma Bombeck wrote, "Life is not a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well preserved body, but rather to skid in broadside, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming - WOW - What A Ride! That is achievement - living life to the fullest. Doing all the good we can for all the people we can. John Wesley said that among other things and that is achievement. I think the world defines achievement as the most successful . . .the ones at the top. I do have to put a disclaimer in here. I have ALWAYS wanted the top grade in any class I have taken so I guess that sometimes I do look at achievement with worldly eyes.

5. What song is a good soundtrack for your life right now? One of the guys in our group of friends shared a song by Drew Holcombe with all of us after sharing with us that we were his people. This song is not my normal type of music, but I have listened to that song on repeat so I'm going with it! You can listen to it here. We have found our people and feel very blessed.

6. Insert your own random thought here. Prayers would be appreciated. Our daughter, Laura, is 34 weeks pregnant today and she was admitted to the hospital via the Emergency Room on Sunday night. She has pre-eclampsia and will be in the hospital until baby Lucy arrives. The doctor would love to get her to at least 36 weeks. They have given her two steroid shots to help Lucy's lungs develop. I had Laura and her twin brother, Glenn, at 34 weeks and they turned out ok so I think that has helped her mentally. Thank goodness they live in the same neighborhood as her in-laws. They have our 4 1/2 year old granddaughter with them. Mark is headed down to spend a day and night today and I will head down tomorrow and stay until Friday. I will probably go back on Sunday afternoon for a while and then Mark and I will probably do the same shifts next week.


  1. Hoping your daughter and baby will be ok!

  2. Enjoyed reading your answers this week and do hope your daughter and baby will continue to do well.

    1. Thank you for your thoughts and prayers!!

  3. I had pre-eclampsia with my first and it's scary for moms. She is where she needs to be and I'm sure in good hands, and thankfully is far along in her pregnancy. Mine started at 28 weeks and I was in and out of the hospital, on bed rest the remainder of the time, and they kept saying I would have the baby early, but I went into labor on her due date. I will add Laura and baby (and Grandma) to my prayers. It's hard to be a distance from our 'kids' in times like these. So glad her mother-in-law is nearby to help. I like the Drew Holcombe song : ) Take care.

    1. Thank you for sharing your story and thank you for your thoughts and prayers!!

  4. I love your definition of achievement! Lifting prayers right now for Laura and Lucy.
    I'm not familiar with Drew Holcombe, but I'm off to listen now!

    1. Thank you so much for the prayers. Please let me know what you think about the lyrics to the song!

  5. Praying all goes well with your daughter and the baby!

  6. Oh, Lisa, yes I will pray for your daughter Laura and you new grandchild, Lucy. Praying that she makes it as many days as necessary. May God protect them both.

    1. Thank you so very much for your prayers.

  7. Hi,
    We attended a Drew Holcombe concert in 2017. :-) I love their Christmas album. Fun music.
    Sending prayers for your family. Lots of love to you.

  8. Loved your answers about home and achievement - well said! Praying for your daughter and grandbaby!

  9. I am very late to the commenting so I'm hoping and praying things are well with your daughter. I Loved your answers, and I feel like I could echo them on # 2 and #4
