Sunday, October 27, 2024

Sunday Stealing

Hey friends! I've missed y'all! I'm joining up with the thieves to answer Bev's questions which she steals from the internet!

Here you go . . .

  1.         What’s your guilty pleasure? My guilty pleasures are more Diet Pepsis than I need and no sugar added fudge pops (not at the same time).
  2.         Which meal is your favorite: breakfast, lunch, or dinner? I think I enjoy dinner the most. Lunch can also be a favorite – as in Sunday family lunches. I like breakfast for dinner but am not a fan of many traditional breakfast foods early in the morning.
  3.         What do you do when you want to chill out after a long day? I get in my recliner and read or watch an episode or two of mindless TV.
  4.         How would you spend your ideal weekend? My ideal weekend would include close friends and/or close family and we would be at the lake or at the beach. We would laugh a lot and eat some good food together.
  5.         Do you listen to podcasts, or mostly just music? What’s your favorite podcast? I have listened to podcasts. As a matter of fact, I had to listen to one on the Cherokee people and the Treaty of Echota this week. Sometimes I’ll listen to a podcast while walking. I enjoy podcasts where there are surprises – something isn’t as it seemed.
  6.         Do you prefer to go to the movies or watch movies at home? I would prefer to go, but that rarely happens so I’ll go with watching movies at home. I watched THE MOST PAINFUL movie I’ve ever seen this weekend. It was for my American History class and the name of the movie is 12 Years a Slave. I’m an older (66!) white woman and I don’t even know where to put everything I saw and heard in that movie . . . and my heart breaks a little more every time I think about it. If you watch it, please don’t watch with small children nearby.
  7.         What was your favorite TV show growing up? When I was in high school, I loved Dark Shadows. These days I can’t watch ANYTHING with a vampire in it. I also loved the cartoons – Road Runner and Bugs Bunny among others.
  8.         What’s your favorite TV show now? We are watching Tracker’s new episodes. We love Mariana van Zeller’s exposés. We’ve watched all of the Ted Lasso episodes several times.
  9.         How would you spend your birthday if money was no object? I would fly to one of the countries on my “want to visit” list and enjoy every moment.
  10.    What’s your favorite season? What do you love most about it? I want to love spring the most BUT I have such horrible allergies. I love the colors of fall, but I miss the long daylight hours of summer. Summer in the deep south is hot and humid, but I guess it is my favorite. I do not like winter at all. I don’t like winter clothes or winter shoes.
  11. Do you prefer camping or going to the beach? I’m going to ALWAYS choose going to the beach.
  12. Which phone app do you think you use the most? I use Waze and the Weather Channel often. While traveling, we used Mobile Passport Control (MPC) – it was amazing!!
  13. Would you instead cook, order delivery, or go out to eat? I would cook if someone else bought the groceries and cleaned up the kitchen afterwards. I do love to go out to eat – maybe more than cooking.
  14. How do you drink your coffee? I don’t drink coffee at all. My husband is the coffee drinker and he drinks it with lots of half and half and no sugar.
  15. If you could have any animal as a pet, what would you choose? I’m still missing our sweet Harvey. I don’t think I’ll be getting another pet anytime soon.


  1. For me, too much diet cherry Pepsi. I know that when my wife bakes (less frequently now bc of her busy work schedule), I end up cleaning; maybe I'd like cooking more if we had someone else clean up afterward.

    1. Sometimes my hubby cleans up as I cook and it is so helpful!!

  2. I've never had diet soda. And never will!! in fact, I gave up regular soda when I was pregnant with my youngest at age 38 in 1998 and haven't had any since other than coke in a rum and coke or birch beer/ginger beer in a dark and stormy. hahah

    I love going out to eat!
    I love winter here in eastern NY because it's no where near as bad as where i am from (near Syracuse NY) and where I did my undergrad work (Western NY). But my fave season is Autumn.

    1. I know the diet pepsis aren't good for me but I don't have a lot of other vices:-). I am guessing that the leaves are beautiful in your part of the country. They are beginning to turn here in Alabama.
