Sunday, February 11, 2024

Sunday Stealing

 I'm joining up with the Sunday Stealing thieves! 

1. What is a big dream you have for the future? At the moment, my big dream is to graduate from college.

2. What are your favorite hobbies? I actually love to do paper crafts and sew but I haven’t had time to do those things lately. We love to hang out with friends and we make time for that and I love to read and try to read some for pleasure every day. I’m not sure if this counts as a hobby, but I ride my stationary bike every day, too.

3. If you could change the world, what would you do? Could we have peace on earth and people in charge of the world who actually care about people?

4. What places have you traveled to?  What was your favorite? I’ve been to Israel, Italy, Germany, Austria, and Ireland. I loved them all but Mark and I both LOVED Ireland a lot!!

5. What is the weirdest thing you’ve ever eaten? I think I shared this one time – growing up, my family put mayo on corn on the cob. I was probably a teenager before I realized the rest of the world put butter on their corn. Butter is so much better.

6. What are your favorite places to eat? The places aren’t as important as the people with whom we are dining! Birmingham is a Foodie city, and we have amazing restaurants here. One of our recent favorites is Blueprint on Third.

7. What kind of music do you like?  Talk about a favorite artist or songs. I’m horrible with music. I like it and I listen to it and I appreciate it but I don’t have a favorite.

8. What was the last book you read? I’m reading The Ghost Orchid by Jonathan Kellerman right now.

9. If you could meet a character from a book, who would it be? I love to read funny cozy mysteries and there are several characters from those books whom I would love to meet. Just to name a few, I would like to meet Stephanie Plum and Grandma Mazur and Lula (books by Janet Evanovich)

10. Do you prefer books or movies?  Why? I love books (kindle) and I’ve always loved books.

11. What is something you used to be scared of, but aren’t any more? I don’t think I have an answer to that question.

12. What is something you were never afraid of, but are now? Same#11 – I don’t have an answer for this.

13. What item is your most cherished possession?  Why? I had a baby quilt that was made for me 65 years ago. I’m hoping it is somewhere packed away because I haven’t found it since the fire. I think my most cherished possession might be photographs (my neighbor rescued them). Why are photos important? Photos are like tiny glimpses of memory!

14. What awards or contests have you won? I was the Iron Man Ski Queen first runner-up back in the early 80’s (beauty pageant). I’m a member of the Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society as a 65-year-old college student. Pappy van Winkle had a contest quite a few years ago and I won a bottle of Pappy for my husband signed by the younger Mr. van Winkle. I won the bike rodeo when I was in grammar school hahaha!

15. Do you like working jigsaw puzzles? I don’t dislike working jigsaw puzzles, but we rarely do them.


  1. If I can trace where my ancestors came from, I'd definitely like to go to County Cork, Ireland.

    1. Ireland is such a beautiful place. My grandmother was Pearl Murphy and her family was from Ireland. I loved seeing the name Murphy everywhere. It felt like home!

  2. My family is from Ireland too and we have been there a few times. I love the country!

  3. Stephanie Plum and Grandma Mazur would be fun to meet. I was so disappointed in the movie that came out that had Debbie Reynolds as Grandma Mazur. I didn't think any of the characters were right in that movie.

    1. I didn't even watch it because I knew it wouldn't live up to my "mind's eye."

  4. Only yesterday I was thinking I need to revisit Jonathan Kellerman's books. I'd love to meet Milo Sturgis, and imagine him being played by Tommy Lee Jones

    1. Mile Sturgis played by Tommy Lee Jones -- yes!!!

  5. I've definitely never put mayo on corn but I mean, if you look at elote, that's pretty close.

    1. My mom lived with some lady that wasn't her family (back before there was such a thing as foster care) and I've wondered if she was served something like elote. She also served hominy every once in a while and I've NEVER been served hominy anywhere else in my entire life haha! (not grits but the big white kernels from a can)
