Monday, May 25, 2015

Nice Work if you can get it

Several weeks ago, we had the first churchwide event for Andy and his wife, Dawn, as they prepare to retire.  (which means you may read other blog posts about other functions!!) I think Dawn worked her last day on Thursday and Andy's last day to be in the pulpit is June 7.  I remember when Andy told the staff that he was going to retire . . .and I just can't believe it is almost here.  I'm in total denial.  Reality is trying to seep in around the edges.  Andy packed up all his books and Brian (the designate) built bookshelves for Andy in his home office.  After Andy took home all the books he wanted to keep, he invited all of us in to "shop" from the remaining books on his shelves.  I couldn't bring myself to shop until Thursday.  On Friday, Andy came into the office and packed the remaining books and I called the Homewood Library - Friends of the Library? - and they are going to send some men to pick up the boxes one day this week.
We have a talented group of people at Trinity UMC.  We have several folks who majored in theatre (but work in other fields now).  We also have beautiful soloists and all sorts of talented musicians.  We also have Kyle Bass - the man who can pull a production together!!
Kyle and several other church and staff members put on a production to rival all other productions in church history.  I laughed so hard so many times.
They started the show with what they imagined Andy did before becoming a preacher.  Andy (played by Brian - the designate) was applying for a job as a disc jockey at a radio station WAAY (hee here).  Brian had been walking around practicing and perfecting the voice that he thought Andy would have had back then.

Here he is shaking Kyle's hand.  Oh my goodness.  I laughed so hard.  At one point, my mother-in-law leaned over and said (NO - SHE DID NOT SAY YOU ARE LAUGHING TOO LOUD!!) -- She leaned over and said, "who is that?" Brian's costume and voice were so good that she wasn't sure who he was!!

Our good friend, Marietta, was another of the actors (actresses?).  She went back to college just a few years ago and pursued a degree.  At our age, she had to take ballet classes and singing classes and acting classes - oh my!  I think that is so dadgum cool!!  Below, she is dressed as an old woman (she is about my age - HECK NO - we are not old - don't you dare say it!!!). In this number, she moved like a very elderly woman.  She sounded like a very elderly woman.  She sang like a very elderly woman.  For those few minutes, she WAS a very elderly woman.  She did an excellent job.  As a matter of fact, it has been said that an entire row of our very own elderly ladies could not figure out who this person was!!! 

At the end of the evening, Andy made a few remarks.  This is getting real folks.  I'm excited about what is to come but oh goodness - I think I'll just keep saying, "I'm excited about what is to come." I think we will hit the ground running round about the third week in June.  Andy Wolfe - we sure are going to miss you.  Yes, we are.


  1. Lisa you are a gifted writer! Always love reading your account of events and happenings! Andy and Dawn will be so missed!

  2. Sandra - you have the gift of encouragement!! You always say the nicest things!! We sure are going to miss them. Wish I could have seen you while we were at the lake this weekend!!
