Friday, April 5, 2024

She Is Home!

The last few weeks have been so crazy. If you've read previous posts, you know that our daughter had pre-eclampsia. She spent 18 or 19 days in the hospital. At 35 weeks and 1 day, on March 21, she gave birth to our newest granddaughter. Our daughter went home from the hospital on the 28th. It was a rough ride. Our newest love went home on April 1 after spending almost 12 days in the NICU. We are now the proud grandparents of THREE girls!!

She wore her mommy's dress home from the hospital just as her big sister did.

Mark's mom will be 99 in July. These booties were some of the last she made. She made them for every baby in the extended family plus friends. I'm not kidding - she made 100's of those booties of all colors. Our twins had their own 37 years ago. The pattern was intricate like a little tiny pair of shoes!

We changed her into some more comfy clothes!

Big sister was at grandma's house. The other grandparents live in the same neighborhood so they help a lot. Granddaughter #2 was so excited to meet her big sister.

This is our daughter holding everyone.

I delivered treats from other family members. We've all been trying to give her extra attention. It was tough for your mommy to be gone that long. One morning while I was there, Laura and I took her to the pediatrician and then we went to Target and bought several things for her.

She and I played while I was there. She loves to be outside. She and her daddy have some tiny plants they are nurturing for a garden.

Their lima beans are in the ground and growing. I had forgotten what I learned a million years ago in elementary school science how the lima bean grows. They are so cool as they unfurl.

They have pretty flowers in their backyard, too!

This was dinner on the last night I was there. The sisters were having a picnic on the floor.

One of my jobs was to get up before 5:00 and take care of the 5:00 a.m. feeding and the 8:00 a.m. feeding. It was a sweet time of snuggling.

After a few days, I drove home and traded out with Mark again. There are multiple reasons for us splitting our visit - one is they don't have a guest room and it is also easier for us to split up so that one of us is here with our crazy cat who still has PTSD from the fire. It is a real thing, folks!

Anyway, Mark stopped at Bass Pro Shop on his way south and bought a purple fishing pole for granddaughter #2. When our kids were little, they would fish in our backyard. Mark called it the "Backyard Fishing Show." I need to find some of those pictures of them when they were young. But for now, here she is with her pole!

After I came home, I had an appointment at the allergy doc, a dentist appointment, time with granddaughter #1, a haircut, and a lunch meeting, plus I went to the office for a little while.

For this sweet granddaughter's birthday, I promised a trip together to Claire's. I picked her up after school yesterday and we headed to Claire's which is conveniently located in their Walmart! After spending a long time in Claire's, we looked at the craft section in Walmart and trotted over to the pharmacy section to buy some toothpaste for her. She is getting so grown up!! When we got back to her house, we had to take a picture of her with one of her purchases (little chair) that she bought to repurpose as a Barbie chair. She wanted to send the picture to Pops because he is the principle Barbie player!!

Our office was closed this week and I feel like I've used every moment. I'm very appreciative for that time off. It wasn't restful, but it was good. It was truly good!



  1. Uh-oh ... I think Blogger just 'ate' my comment. Hopefully, it made it to your e-mail?

    1. It did make it to my email!! Hope you have a great day today!

  2. I enjoyed my visit here and all of your photos. Your precious new grandgirl is beautiful!! Thanks for sharing the love with us!!

  3. She is gorgeous and it must be such a relief after the trauma of the period leading up to her birth and the time after (just read you post about her arrival) It brought back memories for me - our eldest grandson arrived unexpectedly at 29 weeks and spent 7 weeks in NICU. It's an exhausting time. I hope things settle down for all of you now.

    1. Things are beginning to settle down! Thank you for your kind words. They've already made a formula change and are, of course, sleep deprived! Is your grandson doing well now?

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Great pics and glad she is home. I always get really happy/sad when I see new baby pics because I think how innocent and unfettered by adulthood they are. Sigh. Glad all is well.
