Tuesday, April 9, 2024

April's 10 on the 10th!


I am joining up with the gang for 10 on the 10th. Here you go . . .Questions are above and my answers are below. I'm publishing tonight so I can answer the Hodgepodge questions tomorrow.

1. I love pink! I have a great pink Jackie dress from Tuckernuck that is awesome. 

2. My birth stone is pearl or alexandrite. I was never fond of alexandrite when I was a kid. I actually love pearls! I have multiple pairs of pearl earrings and several strands of pearls.

3. If I had a space, I would love to grow fresh tomatoes like my daddy grew. Alabama dirt is good for tomato growing!! I would also like to have a flower garden. We have a tiny lot and not enough sunshine in spots where I could plant a tomato plant. I guess I could find a way to plant some flowers in amongst our shrubbery . . .but I probably won't.

4. "This above all: to thine own self be true," is a pretty good quote. Did he also say, "All that glitters is not gold."?

5. I love our earth and I'm so happy to live here and I am trying to take care of it . . . but I probably won't be celebrating Earth Day!

6. We were not in the path of totality but we had only a sliver of light showing. We went outside and shared a few pair of glasses so that everyone got to look. Quite a few years ago (2017?), we had another eclipse and we went onto the front lawn of the church to watch. I've been at work at the church both times!

7. We don't listen to a lot of music around our house. I remember listening to "I Want to Hold Your Hand" and "Hey Jude." We need to listen to more music.

8. I do not have a favorite wife of King Henry. Herman's Hermits sang a song, "I'm Henry the VIII I am . . ." and I remember belting out that song as a kid! The lyrics were silly and it must have been fun to sing.

9. I actually didn't remember that there was such a thing as a birth month flower but I looked it up and mine is a rose or honeysuckle. I think both are very pretty.

10. My first car was a shared vehicle with my older sister. It was a Comet and we called it Vomit the Comet. It was not an attractive car. My first car that I purchased was a Datsun 310GX and I loved that car. We sold it after we got engaged or married. Mark had a company car and I drove his ugly Chevy Citation.


  1. A fun post, Lisa! I had to giggle at Vomit the Comet!! Not the most attractive car, but they only have to run and take you where you need to go.

    1. It did run and it got us everywhere we needed to go. My daddy was still alive at that time and thinking about that time brings a smile to my face.

  2. I remember that Henry the 8th song!

    1. Of course, after I remembered that song . . .it is stuck in my head!!

  3. Gosh I forgotten about Hermit's Hermits and the Henry the VIII song! This is such a fun exercise as we learn so much about each other. I'd love to grow tomatoes but no green thumb here unfortunately.

  4. I am with you on the space to plant some tomatoes, cucumbers, and zucchini. But, I'd rather have flowers so we'll have to forgo the veggies! My childhood best friend's brother had a Comet, and they called it Vomit, too! In 2017, we could see the partial eclipse with a colander, and I still have photos of that!

    I'm so glad you linked up!


    1. That is funny that they named their car Vomit, too!! Thanks so much for giving us the prompts for writing!!
