Saturday, August 3, 2013

“Is any pleasure on earth as great as a circle of Christian friends by a good fire?

I was looking for scriptures about friendship this morning. My favorite has always been Proverbs 17:17 - a friend loves ....I also love C. S. Lewis and I came across this quote that is supposedly by him. I only have my phone so can't do a lot of research but it sounds like a C. S. Lewis quote to me -- “Is any pleasure on earth as great as a circle of Christian friends by a good fire?”
We were not around a traditional fire last night but were surrounded by the warm glow of candlelight.


We boarded the Harriott II for our dinner cruise and we were cocooned away for a few hours surrounded by laughter and the clink of glassware and the slow drone of the boat's motor.


Conversation flowed smoothly through the evening weaving a thread of love for Kaylor and Sarah among and through both sides of family and friends. The bow ... Maybe the KNOT that tied the whole evening together was knowing that the love of Christ permeated every aspect ..every loving detail like a sweet perfume.

Sarah's dress for the evening was made from her mother's wedding dress. 

Our whole family - all five of us are a part of this weekend so that is extra special for us.

God's majestic creation was on view right outside our "cabin." Sunset on the Alabama river was gorgeous!  You could even compare the sunset to that "fire" image in the C. S. Lewis quote. 

As the evening progressed, we watched a sweet slide show of many pictures of both Kaylor and Sarah and then we moved to the toasting portion of the evening. The parents and family said beautiful things and both Glenn and Lauren offered heartfelt toasts.

You can tell even in these pictures how we were all surrounded by the warm light (fire) of the evening.
I am awed by God's goodness. He has provided good friends for my children all of their lives. I once heard that in order to have good friends you have to be a good friend first. I hope my children have learned that also - just like the verse in proverbs - a friend loves ... At all times!!

I have to end with some fun. This was our walk back to the hotel surrounded by good friends and LIGHT! My phone won't allow me to attach the video ... A still shot misses it - the lights are rolling through the tunnel in a constant change of color ...


“Is any pleasure on earth as great as a circle of Christian friends by a good fire?”

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