Sunday, March 23, 2025

Sunday Stealing


Welcome to Sunday Stealing. Here we will steal all types of questions from every corner of the blogosphere. Our promise to you is that we will work hard to find the most interesting and intelligent questions. Cheers to all of us thieves!

These journal prompts were stolen from CountryDew, who originally posted them in February 2021. She undoubtedly stole them from another blogger, but we're not busting her. Here at Sunday Stealing we encourage theft. 

Prompts and More Prompts

1) How do you show others love? What makes you feel loved? I cook for people as a sign of my love. I tell them I love them. I send text messages to check on my friends and family. My husband's love language is acts of service so I try to do things for him. My love language is words of affirmation. I also feel loved when one of the granddaughters gives me a giant hug or a friend stops by my office or sends a text to check on me.

2) Who is someone you admire? Why? I admire quite a few people. I admire Mary Liz who had a dream of feeding the hungry. She started a ministry in her yard . . .and then we hired her . . .and she runs The Hub (where Mark volunteers each week) and feeds hundreds of families each week. She also develops relationships with the families. I admire another co-worker who is a single mom.

3) Do you have the qualities you value in a friend? I value the following qualities in a friend and I try to have those same qualities. A good friend is someone who listens; who loves; who can keep a confidence; who has a sense of humor; who is honest.

4) What is something you enjoyed doing when you were younger but don't do anymore? Why did you stop doing it? I loved riding a bike outside. I don't have an outside bike, but I do ride a recumbent indoor bike. I was never very good at it, but I also loved to roller skate at the skating rink. I don't roller skate because I do not need a broken hip or a broken anything. I also loved to play kickball and was pretty darn good at it. There are several reasons why I don't do that anymore.

5) What is something other people think is fun but you don't? Some people love to camp and think it is great fun. I've been camping two or three times. It was ok, not necessarily fun. Mark loves to tramp around the farm and thinks fishing is the best hobby ever. I'm glad he feels that way and has a place to go. Some people seem to think that being cruel is fun. I do not.


  1. I asked my wife to get my bike fixed for my birthday; I hop that's happening. I have NO doubt that you re a good friend!

    1. That was a great gift idea that you gave to your wife!! If you do get it fixed, I hope you will write about where you ride, etc.!

  2. Great answers!! Wishing you blessings in the week ahead!!

    1. I hope you have a wonderful week, too! I'll be checking in on your blog soon!!

  3. Camping and roller skating! I no longer do those, either!

  4. #5: I'm with you! I enjoy the outdoors, but then I want to sleep on a soft bed and start the next morning with a shower.
