Sunday, March 9, 2025

The Real Sunday Stealing is back.

Sunday Stealing questions are back live - yay! We've missed our prompts each week. I've been "stealing" others just so I would keep posting.

COUNTDOWN FROM 5. Stolen from Kwizgiver, ca. 2011. She originally counted down from 10, but we are not that ambitious.

FIVE people who mean the world to you.

1. Mark

2.Laura (and Scott)

3 Glenn (and Lauren) -- I can't leave off my daughter-in-law nor son-in-law (#2)

4. granddaughter #1

5. granddaughters #2 & 3 (yes, I know I'm cheating . . .but it is my blog. Also, my list of people who mean the world to me includes others. I definitely could have used at least 5 more spots on top of the list above)

FOUR things you fear. There are things I don't like, but I'm not sure I "fear" them.

1. I don't like spiders - if they stay away from me, i'm good.

2. I don't like snakes.

3 I hope my house never burns again.

4. Thunder and lightning do give me pause since July of 2022 - those two probably cause fear more than anything.


THREE words to describe how you feel right now.

1. sleepy

2. happy to hear the birds singing

3. excited to see two of the granddaughters today (I'm writing on Saturday morning)


TWO things you're excited about.

1. seeing granddaughter #1

2. seeting granddaughter #2 (here's hoping the other grandparents will bring granddaughter #3 over to see us today)


ONE thing you'd like to say to someone.

1. Can you please act like a civilized human being?

Blast off! 


  1. There's an old song about Spiders and Snakes that applies. I slept poorly; I didn't realize that whatever I take (probably my allergy medicine) also helps me sleep. I couldn't find the pillbox bc my wife was cooking and moved it... somewhere!

  2. Your four could be my mom's 4, except she feared tornadoes, not fire. (I'm sorry you endured that.)

  3. Isn't it wonderful to hear the birds singing again?! It snowed here yesterday morning but the birds were still singing away. Love it! And yes, so many I'd like to say that one thing to.

  4. Oh wow, so sorry to hear you had a house fire! that's horrible.
    I love hearing the birds sing in the early morning. Great thing to say...would love to shout it from the white house steps to a certain "leader".
